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No reason to mark as misleading. Site of Republican politician Mitt Romney. Run again in 2016!
He's a virus Trojan.Money scaned by me!
Obama won this election.
There are no trustworthiness, vendor reliability, privacy, or child safety issues with this site. People on WO"T" are using the ratings as a tool to promote political agendas rather than a tool to ensure site integrity and protect user safety. Stop using Web Of Trust as a Web Of Disinformation.
Official Mitt Romney website. Yes, it's a political site, and it says some bad things about Obama (about the economy more than anything, I'm pretty sure) but it is no reason to rate this site red.
Ich liebe IHN, Amerika Du schaffst Dich ab!!!
Get a real President........Ron Paul. The only thing different about Romney and Obama is skin color.
Political site. All negative comments deal with one's own version of political truth ... that is not the reason for WOT. Quite silly to give this site negative ratings based on "ethical" standards other than what is generally agreed upon.
Official site of the next president of the USA
Oh my ***** liberals do nothing but WHINE and CRY. Boo-hoo! How about actually getting off your lazy asses and making something of yourselves? You are one thing and one thing only: JEALOUS OF THOSE WHO HAVE OVERCOME THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES! You really think O-Bummer cares about you? You are being fooled by an eloquent speaker and a not-so-subtle socialist. Hello, people? Wake up and remember why our country is great: FREEDOM! Obama is making the country dependent on social services. You know what happens when people are dependent on the government? COMMUNISM. Republicans don't hate women, they don't hate contraceptives, they don't hate minorities.....they just want to restore personal responsibility and get the politicians out of the free market. You know the free market? It's what's made all you tree-huggers able to drive around in SUVs and have beautiful nice iPhones and computers. Go out and LIVE THE DREAM and quit crying about everything being so un-fair. Make the world your oyster and do something for yourselves!!!!!!
There were no problems with the website. Everything is safe, Mitt himself seems very trustworthy. In terms of vendor reliability, you don't get scammed by buying anything on the site, and there is no profanity or vulgarity, making it a perfect site for anyone at any age looking to learn more about Mitt Romney. And everyone, please, don't dislike it because you hate Mitt. You're here to rate the website, not the person.
good site, way better than obamas that redirects you to irrelevant unhelpful topics
Nothing wrong with this site..... don't be conned by the Obama worshipers fan club... they lie through their teeth to make sure the tyrant wins the election.
Ein superreicher Mormone namens Mitt Romney will nächster Präsident der USA werden. Wieso nicht gleich Mickey Mouse oder Bugs Bunny? Die hätten wenigstens Unterhaltungswert. Recht auf Waffenbesitz? Wird von ihm unterstützt. Wer ist der große Feind? Russland, klar doch. Das Militär soll wieder mehr Geld bekommen? Unbedingt. Wer gibt von sich: "This Century must be an American Century. In an American Century , America leads the free world and the free world leeds the entire world." Richtig. Ein Großmaul namens Mitt Romney. Auch die Europäer werden von ihm heftig geprügelt: Nach Romneys Auffassung steht „Europa vor einem demografischen Desaster, als unvermeidliches Produkt eines geschwächten Glaubens an den Schöpfer, gescheiterten Familien, einer Missachtung der Heiligkeit des menschlichen Lebens und einer erodierten Moral." Mit ihm würden die USA schweren Zeiten entgegen gehen. Dieser Mann hat keine Antworten auf die massiven Probleme der USA. Statt dessen hat er eine große Klappe, was bei manchen Amerikanern scheinbar besser ankommt als politische Inhalte. Wallstreet und das US-Großkapital würden sich über ihn freuen, die kleinen Leute hätten unter ihm noch mehr zu leiden als ohnenhin schon. Wird er Präsident, wird es mit den USA noch schneller bergab gehen.
His answers are too fickle. The website even has contradictory information and stances. Which mitt do you want? I cant tell from here.
The next president of the United States
Mitt Romney, what answers does he have? None for those of us who are not in the 1%. Think about it. This may be the most important election in the history of America, and please leave race out of it because it does not matter.
It's a political site, therefore, just like every other political site, it's full of rhetoric and logical fallacies, but it's not malicious or a scam.
Looks like we have plenty of anti-public discourse types on here. There is nothing wrong with this site.
1) I contacted them asking them not to spam me, and the added me to another one of their spam lists. 2) Their spam has a bad link to their privacy policy. If it even exists.
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