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How to Protect Your Personal Information Online: Best Tips and Practices

It’s a fact: Your personal information is in constant danger online. Every time you use social media or make an online purchase, your digital footprint can be followed, copied, and possibly abused. 

Studies show that crimes involving cyber theft of personal data are going up year after year and millions of people are affected each time. Data breaches in the US hit an all-time high in 2023 with a number that hasn’t been seen before, according to The Identity Theft Resource Center’s (ITRC) Annual Data Breach Report. It had collected data on large information security incidents and found that there was an increase of 72% from the previous record set in 2021. These breaches affected at least 353 million individuals.

It’s a scary thought, but it’s reality. Our digital identities need guarding. So what are some tips for protecting your personal information online?

How to Protect Your Personal Information Online

The internet has become a part of our lives, and while it offers countless benefits, it also brings with it significant risks. One such risk is the threat to our personal information. With cybercrime on the rise, keeping our online data safe has never been more important. Here we will take you through some strategies and ways to protect your personal information online.

1. Enable WOT’s Powerful Privacy Protection Tools

Web of Trust (WOT) leads the way in online security by providing a range of tools for checking trusted websites that protect your personal information from data leaks. A notable feature offered by WOT is its Personal Data Protection tool that instantly notifies you if your personal data has been leaked, allowing you to take prompt action against further unauthorized access and potential misuse.

complete data privacy with WOT's data protection tool on Chrome Extension

Another valuable tool is WOT’s Digital Tracking Protection. This gives users control over who can access their online activities by enabling them to block all trackers or choose specific categories such as social, marketing and analytics trackers.

check to see where you are protected from digital tracking with WOT chrome extension

This feature is especially useful given the pervasive nature of online tracking that often happens without the user’s knowledge.

[Keep your private info private – Get WOT for superior online protection]

2. Strengthen Your Passwords 

Passwords are your first line of defense in protecting your accounts from unauthorized access. A strong password should be complex, unique, and frequently changed. Avoid common words or phrases and try using a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols instead.

Consider using a passphrase that typically consists of multiple unrelated words or characters which can make it hard for attackers to break into your account. Using a reliable password manager will enable you to manage and store these passwords securely without having to remember multiple complex ones.

3. Be Social Media Savvy

Social media platforms tend to hold an abundance of personal information about people from their different aspects of life so it is crucial to think before sharing any posts or links on them; oversharing can cause privacy breaches leading eventually to identity theft. Reviewing and adjusting privacy settings regularly ensures that you have control over who can see your posts and personal information. Avoid sharing details like your location, birth date, or family as these can be used maliciously.

4. Wi-Fi Wisdom: Secure Your Connections

Public Wi-Fi networks are convenient but often unsecured. As a result of this many cybercriminals try to intercept other people’s data that use the same network which is a risk for anyone using it. When you find yourself needing to use public Wi-Fi, avoid accessing sensitive information such as bank accounts or personal emails if possible. However, if you must do so then we recommend using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that encrypts your data making it much harder for others to access it.

5. Email Etiquette: Avoid Phishing Traps

Phishing scams come in various forms with the common goal of tricking individuals into giving away their personal information. This is usually done through emails that seem legitimate but contain either malicious links or requests for sensitive data.

To avoid falling victim to any phishing email scam, always verify the sender’s identity before responding by checking their email address and scrutinizing the use of language in the message itself. If you’re unsure, the best practice is to contact the organization directly through official channels rather than responding to the suspicious one.

6. Update Your Software Regularly

It’s no secret that hackers are always trying to invade our digital lives. This is why it’s so important to regularly update your software. Those annoying little updates may feel like a waste of time, but they actually address security issues. Developers work hard to fix and patch any vulnerabilities found in their software. Failing to do these updates means leaving the front door wide open for hackers to waltz right in.

7. Monitor Your Financial Transactions

No one likes checking their bank account balance or examining their credit card statement, but it’s an essential habit for staying safe online. By monitoring your financial transactions, you give yourself the chance to catch any suspicious activity early on. Early detection allows you to act fast in locking down your accounts and preventing further damage. Don’t be lazy and assume everything is fine; take the extra five minutes every few days or weeks. It’s worth it!

8. Be Wary of Public Computers

Ah, public computers… The great unknown! You never know what kind of malware or keyloggers might be hiding inside them. Best case scenario? There’s nothing malicious installed on the computer and you go on with your business as usual. Worst case scenario? Someone snagged all your login information when you entered it into a public computer and now they’re playing dress up as you online! It’s a terrifying thought but hey, if you absolutely MUST use one of these machines, make sure you log out fully from any accounts before leaving.

9. Educate Yourself and Others

The more people who know about current online scams and phishing schemes, the less effective they become at exploiting others. Cybercriminals love easy targets. Don’t let yourself be one! Educate yourself about common scams that are going around so that when someone tries one out on you (and they will try), it’ll be easy for you to spot them right away!

Finally, share this knowledge with everyone else you know. Understanding how to explain internet safety to the family is essential and you might even want to include your friends too! The more informed they are, the less of a chance that they’ll fall for any scams themselves… or click on those suspicious email links.

All Wrapped Up: Your Digital Wall

To sum it all up, protecting your personal info in the digital space is a never-ending task. With advanced tools like Web of Trust (WOT), you can add extra padding to keep hackers at bay. But how you act everyday online also comes into play. From creating your own secure passwords to being a tad paranoid when using public Wi-Fi networks, every little action counts when it comes to building a strong online presence.

Guarding the information you share on social media and learning to see through phishing attempts are also crucial parts of making sure your identity stays intact. By combining these reliable security measures with an informed approach to sharing data, you’ll be able to build an impenetrable force field against online threats. 


How often do I need to change my passwords?

You should change your passwords every three to six months. Doing so is a basic security practice, especially if there’s been a data breach with a service you use. It’s also important that you don’t use the same password for multiple accounts—ever. We know it can be a pain trying to remember them all, but this adds an additional barrier for anyone trying to swipe your info.

Is public Wi-Fi safe for any online activity?

The short answer? No. Public Wi-Fi networks are convenient but risky when it comes to sensitive activities. For instance, avoid doing online shopping or banking on these networks altogether. If you have no other option, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help encrypt your data and make things more secure.

How do I spot phishing emails?

Phishing emails try their best to look legit, but there are usually telltale signs that they’re not what they seem. Keep an eye out for weird email addresses that don’t match the company’s domain, spelling errors and links that don’t go where they say they do. Another sign is if the email tries to create urgency within you so as to prompt immediate action—like clicking on something or revealing personal information.

Is it safe to store personal information in the cloud?

Yes, storing personal information in the cloud is generally safe as long as you use reputable services that offer industry-standard security measures like encryption and two-factor authentication (2FA). Regularly review your privacy settings—especially after updates—and always be mindful of the type of information you’re storing.

What do I do if my personal information has been compromised?

If you’ve fallen victim of a data breach—or think you might’ve—act fast! Change your passwords first thing and start monitoring financial statements and credit reports for any suspicious activity. You’ll want to report the breach to relevant authorities or platforms where it might’ve happened and maybe even alert your bank and credit agencies as well.

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