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What Is the Dark Web and How Can You Access It Safely?

Ever heard of the “dark web”? It’s a complicated part of the internet with many uses. Avast estimates that there are over 10 million URLs on the dark web. While it offers tools for privacy and anonymity, it also carries serious risks because of its connection to illegal activities. Let’s discuss it.

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that can’t be accessed with standard search engines like Google or Bing. To reach this, you’ll need to use a special software, such as the Tor browser. The “invisible” area of the internet is designed to keep users anonymous by hiding their IP addresses and encrypting their communications. It’s a popular choice for those seeking privacy. 

However, the dark web also hosts illegal activities. It serves as a marketplace for buying and selling illicit goods. In addition, there are also forums where people discuss sensitive topics and share information about cybercrimes. So while not everything on the dark web is bad, it’s important for you to be cautious and always aware of your legal boundaries. You also need to know these distinctions if you want to safely explore the different parts of the internet.

Is it illegal to go on the dark web?

Using the dark web itself is actually not against the law and simply accessing it through the Tor browser is legal. It’s the activities you do on the dark web that can be considered illegal. Buying and selling illegal goods takes place there and participating in these kinds of activities can get you into serious legal trouble.

You also need to be aware that law enforcement agencies keep an eye on the dark web for any illegal activities. Even if the Tor network can anonymize your internet traffic, these authorities are still capable of tracking transactions and communications that are related to illegal activities. 

What is the dark web used for?

The dark web serves many purposes and it can be both legal and illegal. Here are some main uses:

Anonymity and Privacy

Those who want to keep their communications private use the dark web. This includes people who need to share sensitive information without being tracked like:

  • Journalists
  • Human rights activists
  • Whistleblowers
  • Political dissidents
  • Privacy-minded people

The dark web helps them avoid surveillance and censorship, which is why this is an important tool for free speech in restrictive environments.

Illegal Activities

A significant portion of the dark web is used for illegal activities and this includes marketplaces where users can buy and sell goods such as:

  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Counterfeit currency
  • Stolen data

These markets operate like regular e-commerce sites but the only difference is that they use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to keep their anonymity. And even if there are risks, these kinds of illegal activities continue to thrive because law enforcers are having a hard time tracking these transactions.

Interested in legitimate shopping websites? Read more at The Top Safest Shopping Websites for Secure Online Purchases

Information Exchange

The dark web hosts forums and chat rooms where people discuss different kinds of topics, including:

  • Hacking
  • Cybersecurity
  • Other illegal activities

These can be platforms for criminals to share their knowledge and work together on illicit projects. However, not all discussions are illegal. In fact, some forums even focus on privacy rights and other lawful subjects.

Secure Messaging

Secure messaging services on the dark web have encrypted channels that protect the identities of those who are using them. These services are often utilized by people who prefer to have a high level of privacy. One good example is those who are in oppressive political situations. It provides them a way to communicate safely without the risk of being intercepted.

Financial Transactions

The dark web also supports anonymous financial transactions. Users make use of cryptocurrencies to make payments without the need to reveal their identities and this makes it an attractive method for those who are involved in illegal activities and also those who want to keep their financial details private.

Deep web vs. dark web: What’s the difference?

The terms “deep web” and “dark web” are often confused by many internet users, but they actually refer to different parts of the internet. Here’s a simple explanation of the differences:

Deep Web

The deep web includes all parts of the internet that are not indexed by search engines like Google or Bing. This includes anything behind a paywall or that requires login credentials. Some of the best examples include:

  • Email Accounts: Your emails and attachments are part of the deep web.
  • Online Banking: Your banking information and transactions are stored in the deep web.
  • Private Databases: These are academic resources, medical records, and legal documents that are not accessible to the public.

Dark Web

The dark web is a smaller part of the deep web that is intentionally hidden and requires special software to access. Because it is known for providing anonymity, it can be used for both legal and illegal purposes.

  • Anonymity and Privacy: Users can communicate and share information without revealing their identities.
  • Illegal Activities: The dark web is infamous for black markets where illegal sales occur and cryptocurrency payments are used for anonymity.
  • Secure Communications: Encrypted messaging services provide secure channels for those who require high levels of privacy.

In general, the deep web and the dark web serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. The deep web is mainly about privacy and security for legitimate activities. On the other hand, the dark web focuses on anonymity and includes many illegal activities.

What are the security risks of browsing the dark web?

Browsing the dark web can be dangerous due to its unregulated nature. These are the main security risks you might face:


The dark web is full of harmful software. When you visit these sites, you risk downloading viruses, ransomware, or spyware that can infect your device. This malware can:

  • Steal your personal information
  • Lock your files
  • Track your activities without you knowing


Scammers are common on the dark web. Fake marketplaces and fraudulent vendors might take your money without delivering the promised goods or services. And since transactions often use cryptocurrencies, it’s hard to trace or get your funds back once they’ve been stolen.


Even though the dark web offers some anonymity, the truth is you can still be watched. Law enforcement agencies monitor dark web activities to catch illegal transactions and criminals. Malicious actors may also try to steal your information or compromise your security.

Data Theft

Hackers and criminals on the dark web target users to steal sensitive information like:

  • Login credentials
  • Bank details
  • Personal identification

Once data leaks occur and these critical details are stolen, they can be sold or used for further crimes, such as identity theft.

Exposure to Illegal Content

You might come across illegal content on the dark web, such as:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Illegal firearms
  • Human trafficking
  • Explicit material

Accidentally accessing or interacting with such content can get you into legal trouble and even moral dilemmas.

Unverified Links

Links on the dark web can be misleading and clicking on these unverified links might take you to harmful websites that could compromise your security. These links might look legitimate but they will redirect you to dangerous or illegal sites.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are common on the dark web. Fake websites or emails are designed to trick you into providing personal information. If you fall for these phishing attacks, your data could get stolen or your accounts might get accessed without your knowledge.

Legal Risks

Simply accessing the dark web isn’t illegal but participating in illegal activities or accidentally accessing illegal content can have serious legal consequences. Always be aware of the legal boundaries and the potential consequences of your actions.

How to access the dark web safely?

Accessing the dark web can be risky if you don’t take proper precautions. Here are eight tips to help you stay safe while browsing:

1. Use WOT

It’s important to use tools like the WOT extension to improve your security while browsing and to stay aware of the legal risks linked to dark web activities. WOT is a browser extension and app that helps block access to unsafe pages. It restricts malicious and risky URLs, providing an extra layer of protection. This tool is helpful for avoiding harmful content while navigating the dark web.

WOT Website Safety Check

2. Install the Tor Browser

Tor is necessary for accessing the dark web. It anonymizes your activities by routing your internet traffic through multiple servers and that makes it difficult for anyone to track your browsing habits.

Take note: Always download Tor from the official website to avoid fake versions that might harm your security.

3. Use a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) hides your IP address and encrypts your internet connection. This adds an extra layer of privacy and security so even if someone tries to track your activities, this makes it difficult to trace them back to you. Choose a reliable VPN service with strong privacy policies.

4. Disable Scripts

Websites can use scripts to run malicious code on your device. Turning off scripts in your browser settings can prevent this. Tor’s browser lets you disable scripts by default and lowers the risk of malware infections.

5. Use Security Software

Make sure that your device has up-to-date antivirus and antimalware software. This helps find and remove threats that you might encounter on the dark web. Regularly update your security software to protect yourself against new risks.

6. Avoid Sharing Personal Information

Never ever share personal details on the dark web. This includes the following:

  • Your full name
  • Birthdate
  • Complete address
  • Financial information

You see, even small pieces of information can be used against you. Better to stay anonymous and even use fake names if you need to interact with others.

7. Stay Away from Illegal Activities

The dark web has many illegal activities. Avoid participating in any illegal actions, as this can lead to serious legal trouble. Always stick to using this for legitimate uses, such as private communication and research.

8. Regularly Update Software

Keeping your operating system and all software up to date is very important. Updates often include security fixes and patches that will protect you against new threats. Regularly check for updates and install them quickly to keep your device secure.

Staying Safe on the Dark Web

Using the dark web can be tricky, but it’s possible as long as you do it carefully and with the right tools. It offers benefits such as better privacy and access to information that may be censored elsewhere but, on the other hand, there are also risks, such as malware, scams, and legal complications. You can greatly reduce these risks by following safety tips like using the Tor browser, a VPN, WOT, and security software.

And we can’t emphasize this enough: always avoid illegal activities and be careful about what you share. Stay safe and be cautious.


Can anyone access the dark web?

Yes, anyone can access the dark web using the necessary tools and the most common way to do this is via the Tor browser. This free browser routes your internet activity via multiple servers, thereby making you anonymous. Keep in mind that while this hidden part of the internet is accessible to anyone with the right tools, you need to be aware of the potential risks and the possible legal implications of doing such online activities.

Why do people use the dark web?

People have different reasons for using the dark web. For some, they seek privacy and anonymity for the purpose of avoiding surveillance and censorship. Others, however, use it for more shady purposes, such as buying and selling of illegal drugs or stolen data. Some also use it for joining forums where sensitive topics or private matters are discussed.

What is Tor?

Tor stands for “The Onion Router.” It’s used for private browsing by using multiple layers of encryption. Via Tor, your internet traffic is routed through a network of servers and that makes it difficult for others to trace you. While this is the most popular way to access the dark web, it can also be used for regular internet browsing if you want added privacy.

Is it safe to buy items on the dark web?

No, it is not advisable to buy items on the dark web because it’s risky and most of the time, it’s illegal. A lot of online marketplaces on this hidden part of the internet sell illegal goods, so there’s a high chance that you might get scammed. In addition, most transactions require using cryptocurrencies and this makes it difficult to trace fraudulent activities.

How can I protect my data on the dark web?

Follow these steps to protect your data while accessing the dark web:

  • Use a VPN to change and hide your real IP address.
  • Install security software like antivirus and antimalware programs.
  • Disable scripts in your browser settings to prevent malicious codes from running.
  • Avoid sharing any personal data or sensitive information.
  • Regularly update your software to get the latest patches or fixes to security vulnerabilities.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links and be cautious of the sites that you visit.

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