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12 Email Security Tips: The Best Safety Practices

Think of how you begin your day: coffee in hand, scrolling through your inbox. Amongst work emails and newsletters, there’s an email from a familiar sender that seems harmless enough; all it needs is one click. What you don’t know is that this click could compromise your personal information. This isn’t just hypothetical. This happens every day to thousands who fall for email scams or phishing attempts.

Emails are like Trojan horses on the web because they can be used by hackers to get unauthorized access to our personal and financial details. ZDNet reports that cybercriminals are sending more than 3 billion emails a day as part of phishing attempts. And because these cyber criminals keep changing their methods, you should be proactive to stay safe online.

12 Email Security Tips

Online communication will never be complete without email. It is a channel through which we communicate personally and professionally. However, due to its convenience, electronic messages are also highly prone to cyber threats.

Your inbox cannot be protected by mere cautiousness, but instead needs an all-inclusive approach. Here, you will find 12 essential tips on how to secure your emails and protect yourself from the threats of cyberspace:

1. Activate WOT’s Mail Protection

Enter WOT (Web of Trust), your frontline defense against email threats. WOT has a Mail Protection feature that is designed to shield your inbox from possible phishing attempts and unsafe links so that you’ll have peace of mind with every email you receive.

mail protection tools with WOT Chrome Extension

This feature is available both on their browser extension and mobile app. Simply turn on the “Automatic Detection of Suspicious Email” and it will start providing your email that much-needed extra layer of protection.

Upgrade your email security with WOT’s powerful protection tools

2. Spotting and Reporting Phishing Emails

Phishing attacks that aim at tricking you into giving out personal information or login credentials. Often these emails pretend to be legitimate companies or contacts. It’s important that they are recognized as such though.

Look out for threatening language, requests for personal data and misspelled URLs among other things and report them to your email provider so as to make the spam filters work better and keep others safer.

3. Strong Passwords: Create and Maintain Them

The first line of defense against unauthorized access to your email account is having a strong password. This means long passwords with letters, numbers and symbols combined in a unique way. The more unique, the better.

Avoid using birthdays or common words. Regularly updating passwords while ensuring different ones for each account can significantly improve your security. Learning how to find password leaks is also a good practice so that you would know when to take action.

4. Turn on Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds that extra layer of security by requiring more than one method of verification before accessing your email account. These could include:

  • Typing in a code sent to your phone after entering a password
  • Using fingerprint recognition or face ID
  • Getting a token from an authenticators like Authy or Google Authenticator

Even if someone has got hold of your password, MFA makes it much harder for them to gain unauthorized entry.

5. Watch Out for Email Attachments 

Malware that can infect your device when opened may be contained in attachments. Be wary of every attachment, especially those coming from unknown sources. Confirm who sent it, if possible, and scan these attachments with antivirus software prior to opening them. The point is not to open any attachment when you are uncertain about its origin.

6. Regularly Update Your Email Software

It is important to keep your email client and security software up to date because this usually includes patches for security vulnerabilities that hackers can target. Check that you have the automatic updates enabled so that you are always using the latest version with the most powerful safeguards.

7. Use Secure Connections

Public Wi-Fi networks expose users to eavesdropping by third parties and data interception by cyber criminals. If you’re left with no choice and need to check your email, you need to know the proper ways on how to be safe on public WiFi. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can make this possible even in public areas as it has the capability to encrypt your internet connection.

8. Protect Sensitive Information

Extreme caution should be taken when sending sensitive information through email. Encryption transforms what is contained in an email into code, preventing unauthorized individuals from reading it. Utilize the services of providers that offer encryption tools for emails and secure file sharing systems when handling sensitive data.

9. Educate Yourself and Others

“Knowledge is power” in dealing with online threats. Educate yourself on the latest email scams and security practices. Find a way on how to explain internet safety to the family and share these ideas as well with friends or colleagues.

10. Keep Personal and Work Emails Separate

When one mixes their work mail with personal communication or the other way around, they blur out the lines of security protocols. It would be best to separate work emails from the personal ones. This way, it becomes easier to compartmentalize and protect your information.

11. Back-up Your Emails

Never forget to perform a back-up of your electronic mails every now and then. This will provide you with a chance to retrieve your messages and attachments, even if someone stole or deleted your account accidentally. Employ cloud services or external hard drives for the purpose of backing up. This should be part of your every day email management schedule.

12. Sign Out after Use

If you leave your mail account logged in at a public or shared computer, you can easily invite unwanted entries. Always sign out from an email session once you are through using it, especially on other people’s devices. That will deter any opportunistic entry into your inbox.

Seal Your Digital Envelope

Emails function as a vital communication aid, which is why protecting your inbox is not just optional, it is mandatory. The consequences that come with every mail can put your financial stability and privacy at risk, in addition to your personal information being breached by the hidden threats. But there are ways to minimize these risks significantly through proactive steps and use of appropriate tools like WOT. 

By being proactive, you are not only securing your inbox, you are also guarding your peace of mind. It’s high time that you take action to fortify your email’s defenses against these threats. Your watchfulness is the main thing that will keep your emails safe and protected.

Why risk it? Secure your email with WOT’s proven defense.


How do most hackers gain access to emails?

Phishing attempts are the main way through which hackers gain unauthorized entry into emails. Most times, they lure people into revealing personal information or even passwords. They also resort to taking advantage of weak passwords that people tend to use over and over again. This is a non-technical exploit that does not require anything except education and vigilance.

After how long should I change my email password?

The issue of when you need to change your email password is something that cybersecurity experts cannot agree on easily. It is generally recommended to change your password at least once every six months or as soon as possible after learning about a breach in your personal data’s security. The more important thing is that we should use different combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols for each account of ours so as not to fall victim to hacking.

Can opening an email infect my computer?

Mostly it is safe just opening an email. But if you click on links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious sources, then these can lead to malware infections or phishing sites. Always check any emails for signs such as urgent language, unexpected requests or unfamiliar senders before interacting with their contents in order not to be phished out.

Is it safe to use public Wi-Fi to check my email?

Using public Wi-Fi services, particularly when accessing emails and other sensitive online activities may expose your data and private details. Public networks are often unsecured, making it easier for cybercriminals to intercept data. If you have no choice but must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection.

How can I tell if an email is from a phishing attempt?

Phishing emails often include generic salutations, misspelling and/or grammar mistakes, as well as personal information requests. In addition, they may appear like genuine emails from reputable companies but with slight variations in email address or domain name. Always verify the sender’s identity and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious emails. Check again if you feel uncertain about it and contact the alleged sender directly through a trusted contact to confirm whether the email is real.

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