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★ 2.4
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I can't find any strong reason not to give this site a Green rating. As jobs sites go it is mercifully free of trackers, beacons, and cookies, making it safer to use than many other job sites I have come across. As far as the service it offers, the clue is in the boast on its home page : "Every job. Everywhere". Since it cannot be the case that any agency will have a monopoly of job advertisements then it's obvious that this is an aggregator. Beware : the internet is stuffed with job-scraping websites. If you send your CV to one of these sites (big error) it will potentially be passed through a chain of agencies until it reaches the agency handling the actual job - where of course it will be promptly junked, 9 times out of 10. Agencies steal the details of each others' vacancies all the time. They invent non-existent posts, which appear every few weeks in their pages; they sometimes leave filled vacancies on display. It's all part of the agency game, which you all have to play; and you won't have much of a chance in job-hunting through agency websites unless you can find a reputable agency and make friends with someone there who can tell you when a suitable post - a real one - is coming up. At least a genuine job agency does have jobs to advertise. Watch out for the ones who are only interested in building up a nice fat portfolio of candidates CV's, complete with their personal details, which can be sold on to another agency (if you're lucky) or to some marketing company (more likely) or to a bunch of scammers and fraudsters (if you're unlucky). The only rule that applies with job agency websites is, Beware. And prepare to be disappointed, fairly often, with your chosen agencies.
Has proved to be useful on occasions putting me to genuine sites, but there are a lot of sending me to similar sites that are not agencies or employers, but job search sites
Just mostly links to other job agency sites false vacancies , some just do not exsist it's just a scam , how any person can rate this Agency as good I have no idea perhaps an employee of the site or management it is a site to avoid . and why the jobcentre allow them on the govenment site I also have no idea perhaps just to keep up the DWP job count that is also false.
Green rating on McAFee, Norton and AVG (which says it is popular). Used by Simply Hired to Link to TotalJobs, so can anyone explain the low ratings, especially "`1" on Child Safety.
Very happy with the service. I am using it everyday to get updates on new job adds
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