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Bank; safe website. They advertise themselves as an alternative to traditional banks, but I have no first-hand experience with them to confirm that this is true.
Ally is an accredited bank and member of FDIC. They currently have one of the largest money market APY for savings accounts. Website is free of malicious content and is user friendly. I have read about others having a bad experience with this bank but to be honest that can happen at any bank. Its all about knowing your risks, if banks get in a bind they can and will fail their users, the great depression teaches us that point. Everything has risks its up to the individual to know them and make the personal decision.
I had an unpleasant experience w/Ally Financial a few years ago and the situation was never corrected to my satisfaction; However, life continued, demands on my time increased and last year was extremely difficult on every conceivable front, so I never was able to revisit the issue. I do have a new car loan through Ally and just got off of the phone w/their CSR, Jeffrey, who was extremely patient, helpful, easy to understand and held my hand while we cleared the obstacles preventing me from online access and auto-pay set up, as well as changing my payment due date. Thank you Jeffrey! You have gone a long way to restoring my faith in this company. Certainly, time will tell; and, as with all things, trends are more important than isolated events. Sincerely, blt
Their fees (OD, etc) are far far more reasonable than other I have delt with. There is understanding and discu
A good and safe online bank website.
I have banked with ally for 2 years now. these people are great!! I LOVE this bank
Bailed out of the shit by Tax payer money, then they don't pay a cent back? Then within the same year they give themselves huge pay bonuses?? I pity the idiots below who love these assholes! :( *****
Website has good information.
Great perks offered. One of the best banks I have ever banked with so far.
Never before in my life have I said I loved a bank. I LOVE this bank!
Why would anybody want to do business with these people? ***** : :...Instead, banks got in the habit of skirting the proper procedures and filling in forms inaccurately and improperly in order to take possession of properties. GMAC, the former financing arm of General Motors and now called Ally Financial, has become the poster-child for these sorts of practices. Jeffrey Stephan, a leader of one of its foreclosure units, acknowledged that he had signed thousands of affidavits claiming that he had reviewed documents he had never seen."
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