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In response to RCdeWinter, and as the administrator and promoter of the website, were this stipulation not outlined in the Terms of Use, then there would be no benefit to promoting the website. With the full use of social media, this significant statement allows me to promote the website, the artists, their artwork through a variety of online channels, such as the Fan Page on facebook, the RSS Feeds that I share through Google Reader and Google Buzz, posting to bookmark sites, and so forth. In addition, with the technology available, I am able to republish on other websites in order to create additional link-value and benefits for the community, and thus the artists themselves. It is prudent to understand the business of web publishing in today's changing technology climate, how it is changing, and how much content gets distributed. If you have a concern or question, you have always been welcome to address them with me, the administrator, via the website contact page, or on the Facebook Fan Page. I find your attempt to discredit without any validation or verification to be inappropriate.
This site offers "free" space to artists to display and sell their work. However, hidden deep in the terms of use is a provision that allows the owners of the site to use works: "Although you retain any proprietary rights that you may have in and to your Content, once you post your Content to the Site, you hereby grant Arts, Artists, Artwork , its affiliated companies, and their respective successors and assigns, a worldwide, non-exclusive, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right and license, but not the obligation, to post, use, copy, publish, publicly display, exhibit, promote, transmit, frame, package,and repackage your Content, or any portion thereof, and to publish your name in connection with your Content, in all languages, via the Community and all distribution channels promoted by Arts, Artists, Artwork through the Site." ALSO: "You hereby grant Arts, Artists, Artwork an extended license to your Content, which will permit, but not obligate, Arts, Artists, Artwork to syndicate your Content to third-parties. Any such syndication will be done without compensation to you, but may allow you to tap your Content into third-party media outlets in addition to the Community."
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