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This site is a community for people interested in harm reduction for drug use, and an interest in drugs in general. It's been around for a long time and there's a ton of information here. They have good coverage of mental health and have forums set up for people who need support there as well. Bluelight has a strong community overall, and lately they're expanding by creating some social media pages and a discord which is pretty populated, As you can probabky tell, I am a regular user of the site. I've had a positive experience in my years using the site and have (almost) nothing but good to say here. It has been a huge support for me through the pandemic. I started using the site regularly around the same time as when COVID-19 hit it big and my own drug use escalated to a greater degree than I'd ever been to before. I was alone all the time, or almost (nevermind the exact nuances of my domestic life) and I spent many hours on Bluelight getting into this great (hilarious) culture they've got here in The Lounge. I learned a ton of information about drugs and drug use. I learned about harm reduction as a subject in general, where before 2020 I know I'd heard the term before - but I didn't know it as a subject whatsoever. There are areas in Bluelight for any subject you'd want to discuss outside of drugs, harm reduction, addictions, mental health, recovery, all that stuff which comes in the package of Bluelight being a harm reduction site. Bluelight has a research portal which is actually a much, much bigger deal than it might appear at first with just a link to its summary. There us a research subforum, where researchers from all over the world come to post their studies, looking for participants, I've participated in a few of these studies now, and I've even been paid a few bucks in Amazon gift cards by researchers. It's not much, but it's pretty cool. The best part of this is being able to participate in research which is meant to further in advancement the fields of drugs, drug use, people who use drugs, statistics gathering, and anything to do with all of this really. Bluelight has been a critical tool for researchers all over the world, which ultimately has spurred on changes in drug policy and pharmaceutical drugs like MDMA which is soon to be legalized by the FDA for the treatment of PTSD. Bluelight is a part of MAPS - The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Research. Monica Barratt, the research director of has over 5,000 citations in her field with Bluelight being a central part of her work. Bluelight is truly an amazing site and it's value on an international stage of drug politics and policy is boundless. There has been so much research conducted here over the last 20 years it's unreal! Love this site.
This site has a lot of information about drugs, so you can learn about them. Not really for children though. More for curious adults.
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