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CHADD provides a unbiased viewpoint and simply presents facts. To angeliques, who says, "This webisite if funded by the big pharm companies whom are in the business of prescribing stimulants and antidepresants to children for profit," I am in fact using some of the information presented on the site for my thesis arguing against the use of ADHD medication, since the website states that the US accounts for five percent of the world's population and more than 92 percent of the world's spending on ADHD meds
CHADD was the one place I could go to get evidence based information that helped our family make informed decisions when we needed help most. Local CHADD chapters are all run by volunteers-- out of their homes. The only people who have paid positions are at the national level. In fact, volunteering for CHADD typically prevents "personal gain..." Important meetings with decision makers and other disability/advocacy organizations rarely occur on nights and weekends, and people cannot use their position to promote their own business since it would be a conflict of interests. All chapters were sent a sign to display at local meetings, (which ours does), that states: "CHADD does not endorse any treatment, medication, provider, publication, service, or product." CHADD posts its funding sources on its website and has always been transparent about how the money has been spent. 25 years ago I told my husband I didn't want to move somewhere that didn't have a local CHADD chapter. I knew that if anyone wanted to allege that AD/HD doesn't exist or is "just an excuse," CHADD would not be afraid to tell them the good news! "AD/HD is real and treatable!" "Pills don't substitute for skills," but they can make learning them possible. I am still a paid member.
This webisite if funded by the big pharm companies whom are in the business of prescribing stimulants and antidepresants to children for profit! These dangerous mind altering drugs ruin lives!
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