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This site is a source of political disinformation, conspiracy theory, gossip, and opinion which disguised as "news" and is not a valid source of news or health information. See: ***** Untrustworthy.
This is a safe site. No malware, I think that WOT safety ratings are being abused for political reasons. I look to WOT to tell me if visiting a certain website is dangerous for my computer. WOT should add a rating for actually safe or dangerous sites FOR MY COMPUTER and another rating for I'M TRYING TO CENSOR THIS WEBSITE FOR ITS POLITICAL VIEWS.
This is a site of baseless conspiracies, pseudoscience, and a total lack of transparency. Who really is behind this site?
Great site with good information. I like the fact that news stories are listed and easy to read.
Citizen Free Press (CFP) is NOT --- NOT to be trusted. Several efforts by me and others to learn ANYTHING about the ownership of this site prove futile. They are invisible, hidden. There is no way to contact them. No company information. NOTHING. Just a frequently updated list of Conservative articles. These are posted by a non-entity called "KANE". The content appears to be unaltered, but KANE provides its own head line which often is either completely out of context, wrong, or based in deep ignorance. CFP bans commenters who disagree with Kane. You will not be told you are banned. Your comments will just disappear as soon as you leave the page. Moreover, "KANE" lacks the courage or decency to even inform commenters of the rules. The tacit rule is, if KANE likes you, you may speak. There is a way to subscribe, but it apparently is contrived ONLY to capture your email address. If you provide a valid address, you will begin to receive increased spam and that is not reversible. Subscriptions are not kept once you leave the page, so you need to resubscribe each time, but subscribing confers NO privilege. You will be shadow banned if you suggest KANE is wrong. Given that the company has no real name, no real location or address, no registration data, no legal identity one can only safely conclude that it is a scam of some sort. They ARE collecting your computer info and opinions for some purpose. What is that purpose? AVOID THAT SITE ... There are real companies out there who present real conservative news honestly, and who identify themselves proudly.
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