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I find this article biased in the extreme, and the case, as here stated of no merit. I am a current patient of Dr. Burzynski's and know that some of these claims are not factual, as they are not what I am experiencing at all. There has been a concerted effort to destroy Dr, Burzynski for many years, as can be seen in this documentary: "Burzynski, Cancer is Serious Business", which can be watched on Netflix and for free here: ***** The movie explains, through real past patient stories who Dr. Burzynskl is, what he does, and the lives he saves. I have been under his care for my Stage 4 metastatic "triple negative" type invasive ductal breast carcinoma since September 2011. A metastatic lesion on T-2 of my spine was discovered by PET scan and I was started on his gene-targeted therapy on September 22, 2011. Three months later, almost to the day of starting on his medications, on Dec. 21, 2011, my repeat PET scan showed my spinal tumor to be completely gone. I had had no side effects, had kept my hair and all my monthly lab-work remained within normal limits. If I had gone the route recommended by traditional cancer treatment protocols, as recommended by my surgeon for my type of cancer, this would not have been the case. I would have undergone radiation treatments and harsh chemotherapy sessions, with the resultant horrible side effects and injuries to my body such as radiation burns, and immune system and organ damage, not to mention the hair loss that would have occurred. I opted not to take that traditional route, and am now cancer free, after only 3 months, thanks to Dr, Burzynski's pioneering treatment. I am only one of many stories like this. Dr. Burzynski is a medical pioneer who is waging a TRUE war on cancer. MDAnderson, (mentioned in the article), and other traditional cancer treatment centers, and the "War on Cancer" machine, are threatened by him and have made relentless efforts to get him shut down through frivolous lawsuits, attempts to take his license, attempts to regulate him into oblivion through he FDA and have even made attempts to steal his patented drugs. This is just one more effort to tie him up in court, to attempt to drain his finances in legal fees, etc....., in my opinion, and this article is one sided and very biased.
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