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Dear Coventry University, Firstly, After I've visited (Bridge international for academic services) educational exhibition at Kempinski hotel last Thursday (*****) in Amman - Jordan, I Introduced myself to your University representative in that exhibition (Mrs. Amy Loybs) and I asked her to help me to deliver my hand-written request to Coventry University President in personal or at least to his office (about three times), I was shocked by her response that " I can't and I won't " she replied , she refused neither in any way to do so in this simple request that is to deliver this paper that weights about five grams. After I've told her that I've sent many emails to Coventry to assist and support me but without any real assistance, I asked her on how you can help or support me then, sadly I heard an explicit response from her saying “I’m not student in Coventry university “even though I had Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) letter, I replied to her then what's the benefit of this CAS letter, isn't it a final proof that I've the right to study my masters in your university, It’s so sad for your university to have such a solid brick wall that blocks the out seas new students to study as representative for Coventry University to the whole world instead and outside UK instead of welcoming and providing support to study. I was shocked of the impression I've got after the short meeting with your representative I even got the feeling that unfortunately your university is powerless and helpless to provide the enough support for the out seas students to access and study at Coventry. I even though have doubts how you can develop my skills if you can't help at least in supporting us (Overseas students). With such representative I hope that it doesn’t finally confirm my doubts regarding your university. Below these lines a copy of my hand written request that it should be delivered to Coventry University President personally which I hope that it gets delivered to him to the sake of truth. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dear Coventry University President, My name is “ Ammar Riadh Hashim “ Bsc Graduate student in (Computer Information Systems) from University Of Jordan with GPA ( 3.33 / 4.0 ). I obtained CAS letter to continue my master studies in your great Coventry University on (25/09/2015). But I was surprised and shocked and so disappointed because of British embassy decision in Amman, it refused to grant me visa to complete my master studies on unreasonable nor logical grounds that doesn’t convince a child. I wish your personal involvement to lift the unfairness and injustice that happened to me. Thank you for your consideration and reading my request. With all respect and appreciation Best Regards, Ammar Hashim 02/06/2016 Application Number:-65-038300-5 Student ID:-6782528 CAS number ( E4G3SM3E29K0Q4 )
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