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There's NOTHING wrong with this website! The unsatisfactory ratings are from people who wish to stifle free speech and those with whom they disagree. I suspect many of the negative ratings come from those who hate Jews, Christians and those Christians who support the Jewish people/Israel. There is NOTHING on this site that could be construed as hate speech.
No tracking or other malicious stuff on the site.
John's insights are spot on an the truth. Everyone should read what he writes.
The anti-missionaries got together and rated this site poor. This is just a lie. They always do things like this.
This is a great site that tells the truth about what is happening in the world today. John McTernan is comparing gods word (the bible) to past events and future events that are coming. He is honest & forthright with the truth of whats going on around us right now before our very eyes, today. John shows proof, not just hearsay & he is honest & trustworthy. He tells what man is doing today that squarely goes against gods commandments & his laws & precepts in the bible. Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed because they went against gods word. They became evil, when they made Laws for men laying with men & women laying with women... this very thing brings judgement upon Nations. If its not made a law ,then god judges only the persons involved in the acts, not the entire Nation. John is right & true~!
Nothing wrong with this site. Negative comments about the site are based on personal opinion, not website trustworthiness or safety.
The bad ratings are nothing but attempts at stifling free speech and are based on hate and intolerance. The enemies of anything relating to God, church and morals make such a concerted effort at censorship and vilification that you gotta feel even sorrier for the misguided and lost fools who are the real haters and purveyors of intolerance. "Author who uses the bible to justify hate speech against protected groups."? Don't like it? Move on and ignore it. Just because the liberal agenda turned society's protection of diversity into celebration of perversity does not justify the attempts to silence opposing views. Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
Dr. McTernan is besmirched by enemies of truth for quoting the Bible regarding God's opinion of many issues, including sodomy. If you disagree with Dr. John, take it up with God!
This site is maligned because the pastor has a different opinion than homosexuals. This does not make him guilty of hate speech. If one wants to use hate speech as a issue, then the pastor is the target of hate speech for stating his views. Hate speech cuts both ways.
Truth Bibie Info.
For eternity you will know the truth.
A lot of truth comes from this website, whether you like it or not. Author handles the bible correctly in regards to sin and it's consequences. I would consider this site a safe source of information.
Author who uses the bible to justify hate speech against protected groups.
This site and its author is unquestioned in character, professionalism, credibility and insightfulness in reporting news, truth and spiritual underpinnings of all we see happening in world events and particularly the Middle East, knowing Israel's place... "the apple of God's eye"; the Lord, Holy God of Israel.
This site and its author is unquestioned in character, professionalism, credibility and insightfulness in reporting news, truth and spiritual underpinnings of all we see happening in world events and particularly the Middle East, knowing Israel's place... "the apple of God's eye"; the Lord, Holy God of Israel.
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