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Blacklisted by Symantec for malware *****
This website is similar to Babylon web search, and that also had poor rating.
Выскакивает,как только включаю интернет. если произошёл сбой в сети, то тогда выскакивает "восстановить",я не успеваю нажать, как выходит этот сайт,и окно "восстановить" закрывается. я конечно могу зайти в историю,и открыть нужные вкладки, но надоедает такое отношение.
Hijacks your browser not safe!!
If you install a programme, and this site asks you for consent to become your default search engine, DON'T go any further. Delta won't take "No" for an answer, and will still install itself onto ALL of your browsers, and literally ground itself into your PC. From there it is extremely difficult (near impossible) to avoid redirects to ads for further malware, and to avoid being redirected away from Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc. to Delta Search. Just avoid anything that mentions this wretched company.
this is the worst navigator in the earth , this navigator is a Sh** !!!!
A copy of Google, but delta install a plugin in your browser. Your start page it changed to Delta. MALWARE WARNING!!!!!!!!
Adware. Sinvergüenzas que se dedican a colocar programas no deseados en tu PC.
Search engine that is required by default and by force if you have the misfortune to install the toolbar or crapwares often installed with other software (host) if you have the misfortune to not look all the details, when installing the software. In software "hosts" there is a box to uncheck for not installing this craps (often toolbars). There are other programs that hide outright crapwares, making difficult the possibility to the user to avoid installing crapwares. If one of them shits is installed on your computer, it is difficult to get rid of. You must go to "Programs" (Uninstall or change programs ), accessible from the control panel of the computer, then uninstall everything that begins with "Delta", and also uninstall "WebCake" and "Lollipop" if you find them. Then, in EVERY internet browsers, uninstall any extensions AND plugins also having "Delta", "WebCake" and "Lollipop" in their names. After that, you can use security suite to disinfect the computer. There are also specialized softwares against adware (free), as AdwCleaner (to search on internet and download it from their official website, if you don't want to have more worries ), Malwarebyte antimalware can also help. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance in computer specialist forums, to avoid taking risks on your computer. At the end of the disinfection, remember to clean your computer with cleaners like CCleaner (free) to download on their official website too. ------------------------------------------------------------- Moteur de recherche qui s'impose par défaut et par la force si vous avez le malheur d'installer sa toolbar ou ses crapwares, souvent installé avec d'autres logiciels (hôtes) si vous avez le malheur de ne pas regarder tout les détails, lors de l'installation du logiciel. Dans les logiciels "hôtes" il y a une case à décocher pour ne pas installer ces merdes (souvent des toolbars). Il y a d'autres logiciels qui dissimulent carrément des crapwares, rendant difficile la possibilité à l'utilisateur d'éviter d'installer de crapwares. Si une de leur merdes est installé sur votre ordinateur, il est difficile de s'en débarrasser. Il faut aller dans "Programmes" (pour désinstaller ou modifier un ou des programmes), accessible depuis le panneau de configuration de l'ordinateur, puis désinstaller tout ce qui commence par "Delta", et aussi désinstaller "WebCake" et "Lollipop" si vous les trouvez. Ensuite, dans CHAQUE navigateurs internet, désinstaller tout les extensions ET plugins ayant aussi "Delta", "WebCake" et "Lollipop" dans leur noms. Après, vous pouvez utiliser la suite de sécurité pour désinfecter l'ordinateur. Il existe aussi des logiciels spécialisés contre les adwares (gratuit), comme AdwCleaner (qu'il faut rechercher sur internet puis le télécharger depuis leur site officiel, si on ne veut pas avoir de soucis en plus), Malwarebyte AntiMalwares peut aussi aider.
If delta-search has been set as your default browser, your browser has been hijacked. Stay away from this site.
хороший сайт нет слов
es bueno me gusta su portda pero no me gusta que me obligue a puntuarlo
(No matter what anyone tells me, I will never be convinced this software is safe.) Infected toolbar. Very difficult to remove.
cannot get rid of it once you have it on your computer
This Hijacker comes bundled with MIXIDJ.
Вылазит когда он нафиг не нужен,отвратительный поисковик
the program is added on to your computer automatically when you download certain programs.if you want certain programs download from factory sites and read what you are putting on your computer.
it's a poor website and ive never heard of it before and i really wish it would leave my computer as soon as possible
não tem como retirar do navegador...
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