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As others here I also received completely different goods and the shop refused to refund, exchange or send the right ones. Instead they said "Could you try your best to accept it this time ? We will pay more attention next time"! After complaining more they gave me a $2 "bonus" for my next order - which is like a joke and obviously not gonna be a next order. Now about the products: Absolutely cheap fake trash copies of other products. Pictures are stolen from other shops and I don't even know if what happened to me - sending different clothes - is just they strategy. Definitely keep your dollars. Shipping: The shipping is severally overpriced (the actual price is on the box - which itself costs nothing really) and it's another way that this website scams on your money. Absolutely worst experience of my life on online shopping and I have had been online shopping for years thousand of dollars worth on ebay, aliexpress etc. Stay away from this scam I hope they close them down asap.
Anu2:31:46 PM Hi Tony 2:31:52 PM this is about order ***** 2:32:24 PM hello? tony2:32:46 PM Dear, what can i do for you? Anu2:33:11 PM I have placed this order and received it incorrectly 2:34:01 PM while packing the order I was told that WT13040616 is not available and if I would like a replacement item... so as a replacement I asked for a black jumpsuit ... 2:34:35 PM then before dispatching I was told that the item WT13040616 is available and already packed so I will have to pay extra for jumpsuit which I paid 2:34:43 PM now when I received this order, I have not got WT13040616 in it 2:35:15 PM and instead two items with code XX13072524 are sent to me 2:35:26 PM I had ordered these for personal use, and two XX13072524 are useless to me 2:35:43 PM I request you to ship the correct item and take one XX13072524 back as it is not useful to me 2:36:00 PM I request you to ship WT13040616 as per the order 2:36:19 PM even one necklace that I ordered, I had ordered for a silver one but I got a golden one 2:36:46 PM hello? 2:37:53 PM ? 2:38:06 PM hello? tony2:39:35 PM wow dear give one more time you write too much Anu2:40:45 PM ok ====================================== Dear Thanks for kindness acceptance. So you could not accept another XX13072524 that you received and would like item WT13040616 still.Right? Sorry that it may be a little obtrusive that i would like to ask you that could you accept another XX13072524 as well? You know that it is more expensive than item WT13040616.If you can still accept this we would be deeply appreciated and we would pay more attention to that next time. Best Regards, Linda
They shipped random products to me and refuse to ship right ones and refuse to refund my money either. (I also had to pay for customs )
  lisusan To Me Mar 18 at 11:41 PM Dear So sorry that we could not refund it with our new Paypal account as you have paid to our original Paypal account before and the record was on that account.Hope you can understand. We would certainly refund the money to you. We have called our local paypal yesterday but they said we could not issue a refund right now.Kindly hope you can cooperate with us. Just request for a refund on the paypal , put the order NO. and total amount then we can process with it. Please rest assure with us as we are doing business and we would certainly keep our wards. Looking forward to your reply. Best Regards, Linda This has been going on since *****
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