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IT IS A FRAUDULENT SITE! It claimed it has downloadable bots or at least links to where I can download/buy bot from, for a mmorpg I was looking for, and after paying up it showed me the same FAKE BULLSHITTING PAGE I could see before subscribing. NOTHING!!!!! Clicking linked redirected me again to "subscribe to us, PAY UP" even though I already paid up and subscribed. And I did logout then log back in as i was instructed in the email. x3 times !!!! Total FRAUD. He should be charged with FRAUD! You basically pay money just to read his bullshitting description of "what a bot is" >_> , so you can subscribe and read the same thing you could without having paid. More-so he claims he offers no support whatsoever for this site, in the FAQ. BEWARE!
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
We are sorry for your bad experience in the past. :) We have since changed our business model and are providing our services for free and helping people find and download working game hacks from legitimate sources. We are very sorry about your experience. However, we are not and never were fraudulent in any way. We hope that you will change your mind.
Blocked by my antivirus. Raison : logiciel illégal (Analyse heuristique).
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Sorry, but that is simply untrue. We are not, nor were we ever blocked by any antivirus software. Our site is and always has been clean and we are taking all measures necessary to keep it that way. Thanks.
dreckige Seite für assoziale Cheater -.-
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
We are sorry about your experience. We do try to advise people to cheat respectfully and not to find joy in dominating other players in online play. People will do it either way, so we are trying to do our best. Thanks and we wish you a happy holiday season.
Informational site, no surveys. Good service.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thank for your review, thanks for taking the time.
good service. all files clean and information provided is of high quality. best online game cheating service out there.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thank you very much good madam.
Safe. No surveys, no viruses. been using the site for 3 months now.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thanks for this awesome review. :)
Good Information on cheating in online games.
Scamed me out of access fee for listing of providers.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
We are sorry for your bad experience in the past. :) We have since changed our business model and are providing our services for free and helping people find and download working game hacks from legitimate sources. We are very sorry about your experience. However, it has to be said that we never scammed anyone. Have a lovely holiday season and a happy new year :)
Finally some site that doesn't redirect to something dumb. Safe.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thank you good sir or madam. :)
One of the few sites that wont do surveys.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
And we never will. ;) Also those will never work. Thanks.
If you are ok with cheating in online games, you will like it. Got their BF4 hack and it rocks! (:
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
That was a long time ago :D Thanks for your feedback. We still provide online game cheats, though more recently they are mostly mobile online games.
Nice videos showing you how to cheat in games. They got cheats for almost all games released 2013 or later
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thanks. :) Yes videos are getting harder and harder to get to stay online. Those are the times. Game hack videos are quite frowned upon sadly, but are are trying our best. Have a nice holiday season :)
Subscribed to their Hacke Reviews and got useful information. Samy is funny :)
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Fun is important. If its no fun, why play games at all? Thank you very much for your time.
This site is providing cheats for online and offline games (mostly PC). I have only had positive experience with them so far. Some toxic useres on the forums, but I guess that is to be expected.
Antwort von hackerbot.netvor 4 Jahren
Thanks for your constructive criticism and review. We will take it to heart. :)
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