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Basierend auf 11 Bewertungen

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This is a good site. I've been using it for years to buy the best herbal medicine money can buy. Try some of the products for yourself, and you'll be firing your worthless doctor in no time. I prefer using these top qualtiy herbs with no side effects vs the drugs most doctors prescribe. The negative reviews of the site are likely MDs (Medical Derelicts) that hate real competition to their worthless "medicine".
I have used this website for years and have no issues. I particularly use the Air Detox product
Been a customer for over a decade and these are good products. They do not send spam and they will remove you from their catalog list if you ask.
The products really work. Far superior to other herbal products I have found. I have never had any problems after being a customer for 15 plus years.
I have been a customer for 14 years and have never have problems with the website nor their products. Whoever is slandering this site have ulterior, evil motives.
Most product descriptions lack even a basic understanding of biology and the immune system. Be very wary of the medicinal claims on this site.
I've been purchasing from Dr Schulze for about 10 years. He is the most reliable, experienced, and successful natural healer left in the world. His methods are not new age magic or any of that silly stuff. He promotes the application and use of herbs and natural methods. Even the pharmaceuticals you buy either contain herbs or are based on the chemicals in herbs. Instead of ingesting the dead white powders that seem to run the medical world now, you can get the chemicals directly from their natural source in a state that your body can assimilate and process. Everyone I know that has used Dr Schulzes products have felt and enjoyed an improvement in their quality of life. All of that aside, I've never had a problem with my orders from Dr Schulze. I've been able to make changes and get refunds and everything you would expect from a company. Excellent and helpful customer service as well.
Dr. Shulze's products are the real deal. Amazing herbal remedies for what ails you.
I have been using Dr. Schulze's products for several years. These Herbal formulas are the best and they work. Highly recommend them.
Great natura, organic products. I have been using them for over 10 years, everyone I know who uses them is amazed by them as well. If you are sick from anything, this the the place to come and find your cure.
Been using Dr. Schulze's products for years. Great herbal products and great customer service.
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