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Neteller it is a scam!
thanks for the website
very bad... they have very bad customer service I have ever seen
Неплохой платежный сайт для перевода денег и оплаты в сети.
En la mitad del año cambian las politicas y condiciones a su antojo y entonces me cobran 40 dolares por no usarla sin posibilidad de cancelarla, es decir, que ademas que roban con las comisiones, tambien roban con otros cargos. Esta tarjeta siempre me ha dado problemas, para cargarle dinero y para usarla. In the middle of the year they change the policies and conditions as they want, they charged me 40 U$S for not using it without the possibility of canceling it, so, they also steal with the commissions, they also rob with other charges. This credit card has always worked with problems, to use and to charge money. Neteller and Skrill, two partner thieves.
Me robaron el deposito y no verificaron la cuenta.
Целый год потратил, что бы набрать 600 рублей, отвечая на опросы. К сожалению не был знаком с ЭТОЙ ГРЕБЕННОЙ СИСТЕМОЙ "neteller". Зарегистрировался и перевел - это был единственно возможный вариант перевода в электронные деньги! Прошел еще ОДИН ГОД, но так вывести или перевести свои честно заработанные 600 рублей - так и не смог. Куча хитростей, НО главное ВЫВЕСТИ ТАК И НЕ УДАЛОСЬ! Теперь еще "Ваша учетная запись отключена, потому что вы неверно ответили на свой секретный вопрос. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со службой NETELLER по работе с клиентами." И так далее и тому подобное - ВЫВОД: ПЕРЕВЕСТИ К НИМ-НЕТ ПРОБЛЕМ (что, откуда) их это не трахает, а вот ВЫВЕСТИ СВОИ ЗАРАБОТАННЫЕ - ХРЕНУШКИ! Почему никогда не было проблем с другими системами, а вот с этим УБОЖЕСТВОМ ЕСТЬ? Так хочется написать, всё что Я О ВАС ДУМАЮ-НЕЗЯЯ;-)
“Neteller is a big scam!” Neteller has the worst customer service, they just closed my account with no reason and I have money in and nobody can tell me how can I get my money back, I tried to login and this is what I get: "Account closed Your account has been permanently closed. NETELLER is no longer able to provide service to this account." I call their phones and the idiot that answered said that he cannot tell me the reason why my acccount has being closed, just like that and they just stole my funds. STAY AWAY from them they are not honest!
when I try to login, to my shock, they closed my account without any reasons, no email notification, no one contacting me, it's just popup there in login page telling that they closed my account because they want to protect my privacy and ask me to create new account to continue using their services... what the? I just topup $35 usd and they closed my account?!!!!! privacy my azz, and below that popup there is link to customer support, but when I click... bam!, error 403, page not found... then I hurry to reset my password thought it was gonna fix the problem, but, no, they send a password reset to my email, I clicked it but always blank white screen in the last step? and when I try to login again, yeah, the same popup po again telling me that my account closed... but in the email there is a new customer support link, so I used it... and I am shock again, when I submit the complaint, they telling me (from popup) that they refuse to process my problem using email, and stupidly ask to use phone... anjing! do you know how expensive calling international call from my country?! dammit... they sure making it hard to restore closed account so that the user may create a new account so that maybe they will closed it again without reason... yeah its hard to find another alternative, but, I guess now is the time to start looking a new one. update: ok, now I remove all negative reason, just moment ago the CS contacted me thru email and said there is technical issue and my account should now active and can be use as always. but with all popups they show me, I still put this site under suspicious trust.
আমি নেটেলার পছন্দ করি কারন নেটলার এর সাপোর্ট অনেক ভালো ।
Nur am Daten sammeln? keine Überweisung nach Kontoeröffnung möglich, Geld kommt zurück Kundenservice meldet sich nicht.. Werbemails -trotz Abbestellung- kommen weiterin
This site refused to verify my documents despite me submitting them three times, here is a video of one time: ***** I requested a micro-payment to my account, none arrived. They refused to return my money to its original account for months. I am currently exploring how to get compensation. BEWARE THIS IS A SCAM SITE! When I tried to file a complaint in the UK I was guided to this warning: ***** I wish WOT had warned me but it look like they have received reviews from Neteller agents.
document is received, my account Verifield ... thanks ...
Great site for doing instant money transfers online, especially to sportsbooks and online casinos, but also to other Neteller members. For VIP members it is now completely free to transfer money between members as well which is awesome! The one negative to watch out for is their FX fees if you are sending money to someone who has a different currency on their account. These are quite high, (2,5% as of Feb 2012), but they are shown before completing the transfer so you know the exact cost before deciding to go ahead with a transfer. Generally a secure website, although I once had a problem with someone hacking my account several years ago. This was not Neteller's fault though, it happened after someone placed a trojan keystroke logger on my PC and then hacked my email etc. Neteller was excellent to deal with in a time of crisis and got my money back within 48 hours from the sportsbook where the fraudsters had sent it. The only downside for many people is that they no longer accept customers from the US since many of their transactions are related to sportsbetting and online gambling.
Why can not Netteller begin to use ID Chip on their log on site and Java,Instead for these security issues They have now. Example: Account ID:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Secure ID: from id Chip Password: xxxxxxxxx And no more. All ordinary banks have begun with the id chips into their system. It had to have ben much easier for their customers to get awarded a id chip as him/her Could use when they are to be log into the log on site. And where is the customer support as be able to speak Swedish and other languages become of?
I have been netteller customer for almost 2 years now. But after that they have shifted their online sytems, so has only trouble arisen for their customers. you cant not logged in to your account site, even if you are right account number and safety code, and not least password. It seems to me, that their security strikes back to on their customers. I know that I wrote a good report on Netteller before, but befor that new site they had a page that really functioned for customers. When you now writes in the right id after some trials so suddenly will the site shut down and you need to call the people who work there to get opened account again or to wait for their calling back. For me see this is really difficult and stupid out And it takes as much time For and ordinary people. Here in Norway we call such things for Kids diseases, When a system begins to create so much trouble for a people. So I will just say this to the end. Dear Netteller. Go back to the old system you had that really functioned And Stop to create so much trouble for our customers. Try to hear a little bit carefully to what customers also Think about a new security system. And remember these few words here! Customer has always right! So my judgment upon Netteller today is! Not think to make you a account at Netteller today, as long as that the system is so bad that it strikes back to you. You are just sitting talking with a support over phone and the money will flee out of the window, and your account will remain to beclosed. To the people. Stay away from Netteller
Phishing site. Used by Get-Paid-To spammers. Keep out.
Are they "no longer approved" by the Financial Services Authority? *****
Providing information that is personal to this site you are risking the possibility of being spammed, infected by malware, or infected by viral programs that can cause negative things to happen to your system.
Visiting this site may lead to negative visitor experience due to the past actions of the owners of this site which may include: distribution of malware, drive by viral downloads, or spamming.
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