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It's part of the Microsoft Network (MSN) as in ***** . You have to BE CAREFUL AND READ ALL the Microsoft Privacy Policy (PP) and Terms of Use (ToU), but also the MSN (PP and ToU), also the NineMSN (PP and ToU), and the (Microsoft) Windows Live family of sites and products like Live Mail (used to be called Hotmail), look there are almost too many to list (let alone read). But you should read them, because you would be surprised how much information they can collect about you just by you using their sites and programs, this information is collected together, to make a profile of who you are, what you do, etc, and can be sold to anyone (it's in the terms of use if you care to read it).. I READ ALL PP and ToU of EVERY PROGRAM I INSTALL AND EVERY SITE I REGULARLY VISIT (ESPECIALLY WHEN A SITE ASKS FOR YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION OR REGISTRATION DETAILS). Unfortunately, the vast majority either don't care or couldn't be bothered, or (as in this case) there is just too much to read, and all of these documents (PP and ToU) are placed in hard to find places to make them hard to find. If you DON'T care about your privacy, then this is one of the best news, trivia, and celebrity sites in australia. In fact it's my homepage (but I have custom security and privacy settings in my browser and computer) and I CERTAINLY don't click on any ads (which can look very much like just another news story) but these stories from NineMSN have THEIR OWN PP andf ToU (NineMSN in it's ToU and PP clearly spells out that they take no responsibility for any links you click while on their site. One FINAL word, NOTHING in this world is free - in the case of the internet - THE PRICE IS LOSS OF PRIVACY. "
News headline from Australia & From Around The World GEAT SITE!! Worth either having it in favorites or as I, And Alot Of Other People Have Done. Use ***** as your homepage which has great Links like this one. © 2012 By Aussie ADDZ ™
Australian based- Murdoch owned news site. Light, fluffy news, but in terms of spam and viruses a safe site.
news site... very informative
well dont really know on this one though
A complete bunch of bullshit sensationalism. Enjoy the brainwashing folks. Oh and fuck you Murdoch, hope you choke on a chicken bone.
News headline from Australia
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