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Identity theft / credit card abuse FAKE online pharmacy enter no information, attempt no transaction re: ***** re: ***** DNS:
This is one of over 4000 sites being rotated among several hijacked servers. Most are either the fake "Pharmacy Express" (not to be confused with the real pharmacy by that name, despite them claiming the same address), or are throwaway domains trying to redirect to Pharmacy Express domains, most of which are currently down. A few are Eva Pharmacy domains like My Canadian Pharmacy (which is neither Canadian nor a pharmacy) or Canadian Health&Care Mall. All are total scams which enlist the services of armies of uneducated affilates to create and spam their thousands of copycat sites. None of the websites have anything to do with Canada. The claims on their sites are all lies. Because they hack other people's computers to host them, it's difficult for law enforcement to do anything about them. If you are seriously considering giving a credit card number to scammers like this, please read the evidence set forth on the respective wiki articles first: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Oh, yeah, and the head of the affiliate program responsible for the fake "Pharmacy Express" sites is currently jailed on over 50 counts of rape for luring mentally handicapped girls from an orphanage to his pedophile dungeon. the head of the affiliate program was jailed on 50 counts of raping minors from a Russian orphanage. See ***** ***** Discussion forums are at ***** How long has this site been in business? Check the "Creation date" at This site should be rated Red.
Hilfreich is a fraud - before you donate your credit card to Russian thieves, read the rap sheet ***** These crooks pretend they are a legitimate pharmacy, but everything they claim is a load of bovie excrement. I wouldn't hand over ny credit card and identity to a thug in the street, so why ewould you do so on the Internet?
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