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These bracelets are as believable as Uri Gellar's magical rocks and Sarah Freder's special magnetized photo. I swear, some people will fall for anything.
Отличный сайт ! Спортивных аксессуаров !
Smettetela di valutare negativamente questo sito perchè non vi piace il bracialetto. Non è un valido motivo per dargli valutazioni basse. Il sito è sicuro ed è quello ufficiale di power balance, Comunque per quanto mi riguarda l'ho provato, e dato che soffro di dolre cronico, con il power balance ORIGINALE stò molto meglio. Poi chi vuole crederci ci creda, ma fate valutazioni veritiere!
There have been many studies showing that these wristbands are totally USELESS. But the gullible will still attribute any improvement to these bands. Folks- ever hear of the placebo effect. For those that think this is effective, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. At least the bridge is real. WOT is doing it's job by helping it's members expose sites that either make outright illegals claims or imply benefits that simply are not true. There is no evidence anywhere that the IMPLIED benefits of this useless wristband does what it claims. There are many to the contrary,. Keep up the go work WOT members/users.
For people complaining that the WOT rating is low, even though the website itself is designed well without malware on it, should take note of the fact that this webiste is heavily rated as a SCAM. Furthermore, the website makes misleading and unethical claims. In some countries, the sale of a product claiming to have properties that it clearly does not is illegal. The low WOT rating is deserved as a result of SCAM, ILLEGAL, and UNETHICAL. I'd like to add that even the powerbalance folks admit they are a fraud now: *****
This is a complete scam. Save your money. Power balance bands have not only been thoroughly discredited by an experiment at The Amazing Meeting, but the mechanism by which believer salespeople of these products deceive themselves has been well known for years.
While Power Balance no longer makes direct claims of their wrist bands improving your performance (they were sued and lost in court and had to retract all direct claims of the wrist band having certain properties that could either heal, "rebalance" your energy, or improve athletic performance), they are still alluding to the wrist band having "eastern properties". This will still, unfortunately, trick people into believing that these bands have some sort of mystical property and they compare it to Chi or Chakras, Well, there's still no scientific evidence that any type of Chi, Chakras, or mystical eastern energy actually exists. So, I would say that this site is still trying to sell snake oil. Buyer beware.
Not a bad site. They make no claims on their site as to the effectiveness of their product. Even if they did, I thought WOT was supposed to be rating websites. If I wanted a product rating, I would go to Amazon. This is WOT. Straighten up WOTers.... Nothing wrong with the site.
This is a complete scam, lacking even the faintest hint of plausibility. The demo is an old carny trick that anybody can learn to do in a few minutes. ***** Save your money.
The armband doesn't work. There have been numerous studies done that have shown the ineffectiveness of the bands. Although they don't claim that the holograms on the bracelets do any thing now (thank you Australian Government) they still are really useless.
I don't see what is wrong with their product... it works! That is, it generates loads of money for the manufacturer and reseller. Nothing wrong with that, right? </s>
Super duper scam. The only positive thing this business has done is make Kobe Bryant look foolish.
This is not real. Go save your $35 to something else.
***** Perdió demanda por publicidad engañosa
This is completely and utterly useless. There is no reason to pay $30 for a rubber band.
Scamming website. Goods sold do not work.
Useless placebos: Scam!
Seriously, everyone who has given this W-E-B-S-I-T-E a bad reputation is a bleeping idiot. What does WOT stand for again? Oh that's right, WEB of Trust. Not Ignorant Peoples Opinion on a Product of Trust. I don't care what the hell you think about a product, that's not what WOT is for. Do us all a favor (and by 'us' I mean people with an IQ above 100 and have common sense) please uninstall WOT so that we never have to see or hear from you morons ever again because you obviously have no idea how to rate a website.
Is it a wonder or only a fake?
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