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Spammers sending the following email to people they think are doctors: Dear Dr. xxxxxx: We have just completed a thorough analysis of your state and county and you and your practice have met our selection threshold. You are a savvy physician who recognizes healthcare trends before competitors. This is a business opportunity for you if you are seeking complementary services for your established practice. My name is Brian P. Tully, CEO of Physicians Rejuvenation Centers in Florida, Texas and Washington, D.C. My company is highly successful and I am actively seeking expansion partners in several key states. We are establishing turn-key satellite centers for high financial reward, operating upon the principles of utmost ethical, medical and legally compliant standards. My proof-positive model will address the increasing need from 90 million baby boomers in the domestic USA; they simply don't want to age. Physicians Rejuvenation Centers (PRC) offers patient-centric protocols with natural (not synthetic) bioidentical compounds for Hormonal Replacement Therapy. Our successful patient pathway will pre-qualify prospects, invite interested consumers and deliver a completely new population of patients to you for the initial H&P. If desired, we will conduct the same program with your existing patient base at your discretion. The immediate benefit is the lucrative revenue stream, removing the burden of coding clinical services or filing insurance claims. It is, by definition, a fee-for-service model capable of generating significant income. The start-up costs are minimal - this is a turnkey operation that has all the benefits of partnership and none of the liabilities. In fact, you will learn all the clinical protocols from PRC with my personal involvement. To secure your exclusive geography: I intend to show you the actual revenue from my current office starting in January 2011 to June 2011 with projected revenue for an outside physician from month one through month twelve. You will also need to go online to[munged] and leave your contact information on our secure encrypted micro-site (and download and fax our non-disclosure agreement along with any comments or questions you may have - it takes less than a minute). Please sign and fax back the Non-disclosure Agreement to ***** Once we receive your executed non-disclosure, we will immediately mail you a full packet of information including an Exclusive Agreement signed by me for you to begin the steps as the licensed Medical Director in your geography for Physicians Rejuvenation Centers, LLC. You may have initial questions beyond the enclosed information. Please consult with my Physician Liaison, D. B. Wienke, MBA, who has a comprehensive understanding of this business proposition. We welcome your call at ***** from 8:00 am EST through 7:00 pm EST. Because this opportunity is turnkey, with very little required of you other than a well thought out decision, it will be rescinded without action on your part by August 15, 2011. In the interim, we encourage you to visit us at and learn a little more about my business and online presence. We are very excited about our bright outlook at Physicians Rejuvenation Centers and look forward to your involvement. Sincerely, Brian P. Tully Chief Executive Officer Physicians Rejuvenation Centers (772) ***** Physician's Rejuvenation Centers 618 US Highway 1 Suite 200 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Forward to a Friend[munged] This offer is brought to you by Infogroup. To unsubscribe please use this link to remove your subscription.[munged] View our Privacy Policy here:[munged]
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