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This site was a copyright infringing site that got taken down by court order or was repossessed by law enforcement.
☠ Cheap Made-In-China Online Website ☠ Cyberpiracy, Trademark Infringement, Counterfeit Goods, Fake Merchandise, Illegal Operations. ☛ Maybe, You Will Get What You Paid For... Counterfeit Goods! ☛ You may get your items seized by customs, and face legal action! ☛ These Piracy Operations offer to sell Cheap merchandise at prices that indicate an obvious theft. ☛ Sites are often hosted in China known for selling copyright infringing items (Counterfeit Goods). ☛ These Piracy sites claim to be Authorized Resellers or Online Outlet Stores - which they are not. ☛ Payment is often through PayPal to an E-Mail Address, Western Union or Bank Transfer, "No Money Back Guarantee". ☛ These scam sites are only after your money and make it hard to return/receive refunds. ☛ Usual contact information is to a free email account. ☛ Do not click on links found in spam e-mail messages or these websites. ☛ Do not become their next victim. Fully read the site terms and policy's before using. ☛ Remember: the import of Trademark/Copyright Infringement or Counterfeit products is illegal in many countries. (•ิ_•ิ) Any site that advertises merchandise cheaper than the official manufacturer's website is a fake site shipping crappy knock-offs or simply collecting cash and not even bothering to ship any fakes at all. (•ิ_•ิ) The pictures on the site look like the real merchandise because those pictures ARE of the official merchandise. Those pictures were stolen from the official manufacturer's website. If you receive anything at all, which is doubtful, it will not resemble those pretty pictures at all. (•ิ_•ิ) The payment option is usually through a third party website. Good luck getting a reply from the original site or that payment processor when your credit card is charged again and again by that site and others for months or years from now. That site and payment processor could be shut down for fraud by the time you realize you were scammed, then you have no way to get your money back. (•ิ_•ิ) All of which of course sounds nothing like how a legitimate and reputable company would do business. (•ิ_•ิ) Always remember the basic rules about Scammers/Spammers: ❶ Scammers/Spammers always lie. ❷ If a Scammers/spammer says they aren't lying, see rule 1. ================================================= Website Scam Checklist. The checklist lists a series of 'flags' that indicate that the website might be a scam. ***** ------------ (•ิ_•ิ) Read this - Buying from China? ***** ------------ Read this - Paying by Paypal or Electronic Transfer? ***** ------------ Read this - Best indications of fraud is scammers wanting you to send money by services like Western Union and Moneygram. ***** ------------ Read this - Not Sure it's a Scam? Scam Email Checklist: ***** =================================================
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