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many good meals here have had no problems at all
Malicious content; Trojan (Javascript) blocked by avast! Dangerous site.
Redirecting site. Stay away
Site tried to install trojan when accessed. ESET blocked it.
scam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EBay Secret Shopper® LLC 2123 West industrial Estate Santa Clara, CA Good Day, "We have a mystery shopping assignment in your area and we would like you to participate" Secret Shopper® is accepting applications for qualified individuals to become mystery shoppers and evaluators. The assignments given to you would be fun and rewarding, As soon as you sign up you are obligated to accept any assignment given to you. There is no charge to become a shopper and you do not need previous experience. After you sign up you will be given instructions via e-mail, fax or postal mail. ABOUT US EBay Secret Shopper® LLC is the premier mystery shopping company, serving clients across America and Canada with over 500,000 shoppers available and ready to help businesses better serve their customers. Continual investment in the latest internet and communication technologies coupled with over 18 years of know-how means working with EBay Secret Shopper®LLC is a satisfying and rewarding experience. Secret shopping as seen on ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, L.A. TIMES. Stores and organizations such as The Gap, Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, and Banks. One amongst many others pay for Secret Shoppers to shop in their establishments and report their experiences. On top of being paid for shopping you are also allowed to keep purchases for free. Secret Shopper® NEVER charge fees to the shopper. Training, tips for improvement, and shopping opportunities are provided free to registered shoppers. DUTIES You may be required to interact with the shop clerk. You may conduct banking and western union evaluations. You are to analize characters of attendants and servises of the establishment The assignment will pay $200.00 or more per duty Kindly Fill Out the application form below and we will get back to you shortly with the assignment: PERSONAL INFORMATION: First Name.... ... ...................................... Middle Name............................................. Last Name............................................. Street Address ............................................. City, State, Zip Code ............................................. Cell Phone Number .......................................... Home Phone Number ............................................. Age.................................................................... Current Occupation...................................................... Alternate Email Address ............................................. AVAILABILITY: Days/Hours Available Monday ............................................. Tuesday ............................................. Wednesday ............................................. Thursday .......................................... Friday .......................................... Saturday .......................................... Sunday ............................................. Hours Available: from _______ to ______see above We await your urgent response. Thank you for your help. We look forward to working with you. Reply back to the following email with the details as requested : ***** Sincerely, Employment Officer Latosha Dempsey EBay Secret Shopper® LLC
Malicious code
Site don't run!!!
I have been at CCS for years and this site has never let me down. Great privacy, Child Safety, Trustworthiness, and outstanding customer service and secured web-site. Should anyone have malicious content, or viruses from site, see about getting a better security suite for your system.
this is an attack site
Redirecting site used by Yahoo! If someone puts a link through this, it can redirect you to a malware site
Malicious content, viruses
Detected HTTP Fake AV Redirect Request - Attacker Address is ***** (Destination address is ***** with source address ***** Tried to enter via TCP, Port 1736
Mozilla and AVG Linkscanner has blocked this site, its stealing your privacy data
I was sent to a computer scan site, and then something was automatically downloaded to my computer!
Fake Shiroi Neko products!
This site advertises free medical advice from Doctors and Nurses and at first it seemed like a great site, there is a window that shows who is currently available and their qualifications and specialtys. However AFTER I asked my question I was asked how much I'm willing to spend for an answer I like???? Also a pop up window kept me from navigating off the site when I tried to just back out. I had to go offline and sign back in!
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