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They are a reputable ESP that works mainly with Associations and Non-Profits. Their clients are vetted extremely well and spammers are kicked off the platform.
Suddenly multiple different websites start spamming me at the same time, all with URLs that link through their domain, *****
This site doesn't deserve the bad marks it received. I have no ties to the company as employee, customer, or even friend. I don't know anyone who works there. I have been researching them extensively, though, for a different reason. There are very bad apples in the email marketing space, but this is not one of them. Their primary activity is providing high-end software to conference organizers, associations, etc. who need to reach out to existing or potential customers, members, attendees, and the like. They do not support spam, only targeted marketing at a professional level. Their software integrates with social media, newsletters, and the like. They have a very strict and good privacy policy and are very conscientious about security (such as never accepting credit cards through the Internet and not storing CC information anywhere on their servers). A reading of their blog ( shows that they take this business seriously and are very much about helping organizations market only to the crowds that would be interested. Finally, it's not difficult to read positive feedback from their customers - especially because they appear to have outstanding 24x7 customer service that is handled on site at their US headquarters. When I first got a WOT advisory as I first loaded their site, I was concerned. But I continued reading because I needed to. The advisory needs to be lifted.
Great customer service
Great tool, great site
Visiting this site might harm your system. It has been identified as a site that might spread malware or spam your computer. Please use caution when visiting this site.
They have developed an e-mail marketing product, which means clients who buy this product will use it for sending mass e-mails, good or bad. As far as my experience goes, they are a very legitimate company doing legitimate business. Great customer service, and reliability, a very neat tool for reaching out to your customers for dispersing important info.
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