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THEY ARE A DISHONEST and FRAUDULENT COMPANY. I ordered their case for my Note 4 for $35. It's the one they claim compares to Life-Proof. I have the Life-Proof case on my iPhone and love it, but Life-Proof does not make a case for the Note 4, although Red Pepper makes a knockoff. A consumer's review on You Tube indicates that the Life Proof logo is replaced with theirs, but that it functions properly and passes the water immersion test, so, I decided to try it. - BIG MISTAKE! I WILL NEVER BUY FROM THEM AGAIN - NEVER!! The description and the pictures on their website are the perfect resemblance of the Life-proof Case. They offer it for the note 4 and they mention and show the protective plugs for all the ports and the flip-out door for the charging port. So, on-line, the Red Pepper knockoff appears to be a decent version of the real thing However, They have PROVED to me that they are NOT TRUSTWORTHY. They did not send me the item shown and described on their website. What they sent me was ENTIRELY DIFFERENT!! They sent a case that's nothing more that waterproof storage box! None of the phone's functions operate without opening the case and removing the phone, which defeats the purpose! It's clearly not the case depicted on their site. I informed them by email of their error; that they had sent me the wrong item and I inquired about their exchange policy. Their email response was simply, "If you want to return it, there is a $30 restocking fee” -- NONSENSE. I protested by email that I shouldn't have to pay anything because they should pay for their own mistake. They have not responded. Red Pepper Cases .com obviously DOES NOT CARE about customer satisfaction. Their toll free phone# is a scam. A recorded announcement tells the caller to leave a name and phone number, but their system prevents the caller from ever leaving a message. Thankfully, I only spent $35. I WILL NEVER BUY FROM THEM AGAIN - NEVER
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