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***** was spammed in July, 2011 When you tell the registrar ENOM about their problem, you get the same old fob-off - "we are only the registrar - complain to the hosting ISP." as if that exonerated them from assisting criminals. You can see many samples like this at the ENOM spammed domains blacklist published publicly at ***** - when you compare ENOM with other registrars they show the worst record for support of high volume spamming. ENOM is sponsoring this illegal spamming domain operation, and accepts payments for the unlawful domain name registrations. Where Go Daddy shows corporate responsibility, ENOM shows corporate irresponsibility. And toothless ICANN accredits them, while pocketing the accreditation fees. Do you detect a stink of corruption in the air?
Demand Media must be ruing their decision to buy registrar ENOM. The acquisition of the second largest Internet registrar must have seemed like a feather in their cap at the time. But who wehere's the joy in owning a company whose reputation as a safe harbor for cyber-crime is likely to tarnish the corporate image? Enom's persistent refusal to clean up all the breaches of its Terms of Service has a nasty taste to it. Some industry pundits might go so far as to conclude that the revenue gained from sponsoring cyber-crime is Enom's motivation for taking no action. Others might suggest that Enom has embarked on a strategy to win market share at all costs, even at the cost of its own reputation. ENOM's performance does not stack up against responsible law abiding registrars, as explained at "Registrars who support spammers" ***** For example, this domain - - was heavily spammed in July, 2011 under the umbrella of ENOM's spam friendly haven. ENOM naively proffers the pathetic excuse that they are "only the registrar - complain to the hosting ISP" - as if that absolves them of responsibility. Not likely! You can see for yourself many examples from the past week in the public ENOM spammed domains listing at ***** - just look at the percentage of their business and revenue provided by cyber-criminals. Disgraceful isn't it? Loading the raw site name as the URL you see an apparently harmless looking news feed site. But when spammed they contain a longer URL to reveal the actual target site. Check out the examples at ***** Either way, the spam abuse campaign that Enom continues to ignore is an embarrassment to Demand Media. The feather in the cap has turned foul.
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