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Basierend auf 10 Bewertungen

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I've been playing games on this site for 4+ years without issue.
one of the worst spades site. skills don't count for anything here. If you want a good competitive game, this is the worst site for competitive spades. dealer determines who wins 75% of the time and when you try to comment about it, the owners never replies.
The site has glitches all the time, messenger constantly going on and off.Tables freezing up, being booted from lobbies etc.They have a secure login at the bottom of their page that most people don't even know about so how secure is a site that you have to click on an icon that says secure login .a Google review says they have 3000 visits a day but that is about 6 or 7 different games combined so that actually tells me they don't have very many players in any one game room.And the site Managers seem like they like to run rough shot over their members for things they have no problem doing themselves.Saw people that were gagged so they could not talk in lobbies or at tables for supposedly saying stuff they shouldn't have and yet some of the site Administrators do the exact same thing to the members and act like it's not big deal ,It is more like a Dictatorship than a gaming site ...I would not recommend this site to any serious gamers
They have Icons that you can use for chat they took down the Confederate flag but when I asked why they took it down and yet still had the Islam Symbol.I was talked to like I was trash and so when I called the person ID > Salty Pelican a Smart ass I was Banned even though they try to say they simply don't ban for one or two offences that it takes several Offences or something really disgusting....I guess calling one of the POS that run the site a smart ass is considered really Bad LOL...They are ran like Twitter and Facebook Under the Liberal PC rules ...Where anything they want or don't want is acceptable but something you don't like Meh too bad go screw yourself if you don't like it is what it amounts to
Very good social network playing site! My experience for Backgammon is: Very funny especially for advanced players, you should become a Yacht Club Member else dont expect too much from the dice ... Great !!
awful site watchout rootkit backdoor watchout for kids ,very disgusting
Strictly for adults with bad taste ! Meat market for old persons! The discussions of the lobby are very disgusting I should say! An online dating service , disguised as a backgammon site. I have serious doubts about the integrity of the owner which reveals publicly some activities relative to the players and which are private of course. Too much spam ... Need a high level filter to fight all the unknown senders
Too much spam .. Need a high level filter to fight all the unknown senders
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