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This site is engaged in promoting false and misleading science and health claims and should not be trusted. Remember, when in doubt, consult a physician for health concerns, not quack and conspiracy sites.
Site of antivaxx propaganda: it promotes the theory of Andrew Wakefield, false and dangerous for public health.
Ignore the orange WOT (Web Of Trust) rating. Drug industry trolls are again trashing the WOT rating for a site that questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines. How much do they get paid to give bad WOT ratings to such sites as this? This is just a transcript of a CDC Conference. Are the pro-vaccine industry trolls admitting that the Center for Disease control is pseudo science? Did they read the transcript? Or did they just knee-jerk their red WOT ratings because they are paid to? Dr. Bemier: ... Page 50, 3rd Paragraph: “In conclusion, the screening analysis suggests a possible association between certain neurologic developmental disorders. Namely Tics, attention deficit disorder, speech and language disorders and exposure to mercury from Thimerosal containing vaccines before the age of six months.” See also pages ***** (similar conclusion) & 256 "consider this embargoed information, ... and very highly protected information,"
Terrible website that is a danger to public health and safety. Its views on autism are pseudo-science that's way out of line with reputable research. It claims that autism is caused by mercury poisoning: there's not only no evidence for that, there's lots of scientific research showing that mercury is NOT the cause of autism. It peddles dangerous disinformation and propaganda against vaccination, and it advocates dangerous "treatments" like chelation. Avoid.
@WotterWot eithical issues? Your nothing but a shill! This site has very useful information especially IF YOU WANT HARD EVIDENCE, TANGIBLE EVIDENCE ON HOW THE VACCINE INDUSTRY IS KILLING US AND OUR KIDS! Nothing but shills on wot. I thought that wot was a good tool but have come to find out that it is a tool used by big business to lure people away from good informative sites about how big pharma is killing us!
Those who mark this site as untrusted or unsafe are no better than those running our offices in these USA , you are mis informed and uneducated those it has been proven , for 1 Thermasol is nano mercury and know this is not good for the body as it kill nerons . in 1929 was an out break were Millions died all whom received a Flu shot some received many up to 7 different shots this is public record , this is a safe link and informative too ! Please educate yourself before marking a safe site not . and how many of you or your friends have gotten sick after receiving the shot. last time I got one my house was quarentined for 3 weeks . Sorry for the mis spelt words :)
Wonderful site for information regarding vaccines.
Dangerous content. Pseudoscience / anti-vaccination. The misinformation on this website will cause some parents to choose not to vaccinate, putting all children at risk. If you need medical advice, speak to your GP.Doctor.
dangerous antiscience/ antivaccine site
Pseudoscience nonsense by conspiracy thinkers.
A site for explaining concerned information about vaccinations. This site is not unsafe for children to visit - no porn nor violence nor predators)
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