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I had the same exact problem it was 88.99 for a Nintendo switch I got ripped off for. The Cheryl Howarth fake pay pal and they know you cant get ups to file a claim without her phone number. I am so upset I am a single mother who struggles and tried to get my kids a nice gift. I just cant believe pay pal dont go out of there way to stop these scum bags.
This sit is a scam I ordered a pro con for ***** The address is fake phone number is fake email is fake. This company used game stops site to make it look legit. The money went to a Cheryl Howarth not sharpener PW. I tried to cancel with paypal. Paypal said to contact the buy. Lol impossible! The company gave me a UPS tracking number. Then UPS said my pkg was delivered. I was outside when it was supposedly delivered. Called UPS they gave me the address were it was delivered. The pkg was delivered to a women 1 mile away the pkg had her name and address on it. She had a video of the UPS driver dropping the to small to be mine pkg off. It was her pkg with her ear thermometer with my tracking number. She still had the large envelope with her name and address. Delivered at the same time my pkg was due to arrive. Those scammers used another persons tracking number who lives close by me. This was to make me think it was legit. Thinking I would blame it on the UPS driver or theft. I was outside so no theft. I filed a complaint with paypal. They contacted this fake paypal account I heard nothing back. UPS was freaked out about them being able to get a private tracking number. Plus the women whom I shared the tracking number with was also concerned and freaked out that this fake company had her information. Scam scam scam this company removed their site under game stop 2 days later. Her pkg was from California and so was mine. Some how they were able to hack into company's in California or the postal service that were delivering pkg close to me. This is a high tech company that has taken internet scam to a higher level. If they can take that much time to scam people they can take the time to get a real job losers. Hard to explain to my kids that there birthday money is gone what low life jerks
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