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Ужасно неудобное оформление сайта
Abuse their power to blackmail valid systems which did not send out a single spam mail. They do this to put pressure on an ISP to remove a certain customer from his network, to impose "their view of the Internet".
Шантажируют операторов связи и целые страны отключением от Интернета. Взяли на себя слишком много прав по части осуждения всех скопом, виновных в СПАМе и невиновных, которые им никто не давал, а тем более не несут никакой ответственности за нанесение ущерба странам, компаниям и гражданам. "Остановить Spamhaus Этот блог раскрывает правду о преступной организации Спамхаус. Она известна тем, что скрывается, терроризирует пользователей и провайдеров интернет, причиняет ущерб и производит отказ в обслуживании. Спамхаус нарушает законы и распространяет клевету, а состоит из группы скрывающихся мошенников, занимающихся теневым бизнесом. Хуже спама только борьба со спамом." ***** _______________ Даже забавно, но этот сервер - единственный, кто внёс меня в список рассыльщиков СПАМа (потому что это РЕАЛЬНО МОШЕННИКИ!!), ведь у меня нет вирусов на ПК, и вручную или программами я этим никогда не занимался, и не случайно состою и в сообществе WOT и в группе ВКонтакте против лохотронов. Смотрите сами здесь: ***** Мой IP: *****
When looking up an IP on Spamhaus, they conceal a CloudFlare "browser check" scan by making it look like their own page.
Despite all the great things that they do it isn't possible to check sites without at least temporarily allowing cookies.
what the hell. it says in this page under "Domains tied to Lindsay spamming -" my domain which is CUTA.INFO is tied with Lindsay spamming. I don't even know what is Lindsay spamming. this is so ILLEGAL. my site isn't a spam host ***** if the owner of this site can explain me how come my site is in their list ,I would be appreciate.
Полностью солидарен с комментарием oxilore:)
Helps putting the lid on anything related to spam. It's highly recommended to secure one's mail server by their ZEN blocklist, plus incorporating the DROP list into a server's firewall helps keep the really obnoxious spammers out. This even works with guest books: Any IP that is somehow related to spam can easily be blacklisted this way. Btw: Anyone who is ranting against Spamhaus here debunks himself for what he obviously is: A part of the spam problematic that Spamhaus helps curbing. Oh, and one more thing: It's not Spamhaus that's keeping any spammers off of a particular network, but the admins of said network who are using the information provided by Spamhaus...
GOOD SITE, USEFUL SITE against SPAMS, anti-spammers organisation!
1 - venerable anti-spam organization
Consider spam contents which they deem unwanted to protect their image. Does not respect any RFC. No automatic removal mechanism. (Delete listing on their own will). Abuses its notoriety and practices coercion through censorship and blackmail means to cause damages to ISPs in order to force them to shut down hosts which they decided are "bad". Use propaganda to pretend to protect billions of users though the largest portion of them are unaware of the use of spamhaus blacklists to filter their emails. Use devious methods to indirectly threats providers which do not wish to interact with them. Try to protect from any potential legal pursuit by registering companies anonymously in tax-haven countries. Register a hazardous company in Mauritius ( Is that really required for a non-profit organization maintained by volunteer? Does not accept to be criticized. Lure public by victimizing and advertising itself after the recent large scale attacks. A lot to say about them and write.
ths is the worst website ever now i cant play my favirote game this sucks:'(
Сервис проверки технической безопасности сайтов.
Tries to blackmail a Provider, just cause of bad moods
6 is safe. Source: *****
This crap does not let me play my server.
Manages email block lists quite well.
6 is usefull
Spamhaus tracks the Internet's Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services, provides dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify and pursue spammers worldwide. See: *****
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