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My Paypal account was charged indicating I have a contract with them. I tried calling the 855----number listed several times and got a fast busy. Not only do i NOT have a contract, I am a MAC user! NO idea how they were able to charge me. As always, Paypal was great. Just got off the phone and the charge has been reversed.
Have been running SpeedyPro for about six months on 4 PC's in my business. Scans are scheduled as recommended. Clean-up occurs as promised. Software works as promised.
This software is a scam. After downloading it, I was asked to register it, which I did (for $40) which is supposed to provide the full version with a one-year license. I used it for several days and everything looked normal until yesterday, when after performing a scan, the software demanded I "update my registration." The software would not in fact complete the scan until I did so. When I dutifully filled out the form again, I found my credit card had been charged a second $40. Speedy PC have not returned my e-mail requesting they explain this second charge. It has now been reported and dealt with as credit card fraud.
Scam domain -Tech support scam Engaged in the use of misleading marketing tactics.
This is yet another bogus speed/PC enhancing scam. Red flag.
ANOTHER website offering you a "wonderful and automagical PC cleaner which will make your 15 years old computer a blazing fast daemon of speed". Program they sell is an adware/potentially unwanted program bundled in some installators of legit programs. Just like any other software of this kind, it gives you an ability for a scan for free, but to fix/remove something you need to buy their "premium version" of a program. Avoid, don't download anything from this site, because it is a waste of time.
What a nasty little rogue! The customer support team was upright rude when I called to ask about their little "scam" I was on a fresh VM and it found "errors". Also installed some trojans. Avoid this site!
j'ai du mal à me débarrassé ce là deviens gênant
My virus scanner is following this program as its working so far 2 trojans gen.2
I stupidly reacted to a popup saying Firefox was out of date. I downloaded an updater app, which when executed, came up in such extremely small print, I couldn't read much of it. I FINALLY caught on when I could read enough of the prompts on the screen to see I was not installing Firefox, but other PC repair software. Of course there was no way to shut it down but through task manager...
SPAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, advertising to sell us their crap and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted! F*cking capitalism! F*ck OVH and other spamer's hosts! And address of sh*t again! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! The capitalists are real r*tten! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, this r*ttenness is very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries, including France!
Incredibly rude customer service agent when I told her I wanted to think about who I wanted to use to fix my computer's problems that she diagnosed. She became very aggressive in pushing me and SHE hung up on ME when I told her I needed to research my options further..
These pathetic assholes spread malware
They start charging your credit card without establishing a user account. They started charging for a subscription without my explicit permission.
Just another scam claiming to speed up your PC. Don't go there.
***** I sent them an email asking for help because their DriverCure software wouldn't download, even though I paid $49.50 for it. THEY NEVER RESPONDED TO MY EMAILS. 10 days later, I put in a request with my credit card company to challenge the transaction. We'll see what happens. ***** old name is RegCure TOTAL SCAM AND RIPOFF!! ***** I purchased Speedy PC Pro. They could not get it to run correctly so deleted it. They will NOT refund my purchase price. ***** Treat sites overly hyping Registry Cleaners and System Optimizers as Snake-Oil. Those are more likely to cause issues while fixing nothing.
I found this statement: I too had many issues causing a slow computer. Speedy PC Pro sounded like a good solution. WARNING: they are more likely to cause trouble than correct them. PLUS, once they have your money they will keep it. I paid for Speedy PC Pro, but they could not get it to work, I paid for a year of their "Microsoft Technician" service, they said a "money back guarantee" if not satisfied, they said that my computer would run three times faster...FACT, they deleted PC Pro when they could not get it to work, and will not refund my money for the purchase. FACT, they worked on my computer and now it's even slower, the 'money back guarantee' is a lie, I have complained over and over, but they refuse to refund me anything. BE WARNED, they ae a danger to both your computer and your wallet.
Unethical site that tries to get your info by sending billing statements with incorrect CC numbers. DO NOT CALL or respond!!!. Website should be terminated.
Oh geeze. When I went looking for help to tune-up my pc the speedy-pc site popped up and so I called for information. Well, let's say they were "speedy" to my "needy" and I was sold. For $300 my computer is working faster. They did try selling me lifetime malabytes for $150 for 3 computers but I declined went to the malabyte website and saw they offer it for free or some $24.99 deal which I will further investigate. I'm about to call and let them tune-up my second computer and not a happy camper since I found these reviews. :-(
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