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please support artists and do not encourage pirated movies streaming sites full of ads and potential malware
There are a wealth of problems with this service ranging from potential piracy, to potential malware, to even potential scorecard manipulation. EDIT: I just found this: Full red.
This site offers a plugin which allows you to downloads illegal movie torrents. See : *****
No viruses. See virustotal scan report : *****
Pirate movie streaming program. Do not use unless you want to risk legal action. The installer does not prompt before the installation is started. The homepage removed mention of the pirate streaming plugin, but it is still pre-installed with the program, and searches known pirate site ***** To WOT administrators, please investigate possible scorecard manipulation. This domain went from unrated to red to light green in a matter of days. This software is NOT safe for children, as it could cause legal trouble for parents. VirusTotal detects 2/55 for the Windows installer.
Moi j'aime bien alors pourquoi toi tu n'aimes pas.
Good site ! Oh yeah baby ! Stremio best ! Much web ! Wow !
If a parent is paying enough attention to a child's online activity to know the WOT ratings of the sites that the child visits then is a perfectly safe site for a child to visit under that same level of supervision. Simply don't let your kids watch anything you don't approve of them watching. Piracy is the illegal sale of copyrighted material that one does not own. ***** is not a piracy site. They are developing a free app that streams content encoded by internet users from all over the world free of charge, and without ads, or even a monthly charge. They aren't even trying to create artificial scarcity to keep their pockets overflowing with cash while bullying the competition with lawsuits to try to stall the advancement of technology and the human race from a time when sharing whatever they can with each other simply because someone else may want or need it could be possible. They aren't trying to keep us in the past before that type of sharing among humanity was possible for their own greedy, insatiable gains at all.
Safe site and open source program, tv stream online.
Website for a streaming program. Before consider mark this as "piracy" note that the main usage of the program is not that. He is used to streaming content across a home network. What is streamed or what addons the user install is up to it, not to the program itself. The addons used for "streaming movies" are created and used by the community. No one is forcing the user to use them... If you use it and mark this as "piracy", then is your fault, not of the website. The "piracy" content or not is something that the user must add, so doesn't mean that is unsafe by itself, only depends of what the user add to it... But, despite that, the main purpose of WOT is tell if a website is safe or not (and not be a Lawyer) And this is clearly safe in all means...
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