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Game has extremely unnecessary anti-privacy components for a children's game. Logs your HWID, use of a VPN is disallowed which I find abnormal (even Blizzard Ent. allows VPN). Running a single instance of the game nearly maxes out CPU and memory usage, even on a powerful computer. Nothing else makes my fans spin up the way Toontown Rewritten does. The game is run by very shady people, and the majority of players are shady as well. Filled with predators, and racism is not uncommon to see. My young daughter had to be subjected to this firsthand. The negligent staff clearly condone this behavior as nothing is done about it, sometimes it even comes directly from staff themselves. Suggest Toontown Rewritten stop falsely advertising as a family friendly game before a lawsuit drops on them. Your game is not family friendly if you FORCE the usage of Discord, a third party app that is not even remotely safe for children. Without a Discord account, many features are unavailable. They also directly advertise Discord within the games announcement system during events. If it weren't for Toontown Rewritten's poor and irresponsible handling of child safety, I guarantee that multiple young children would not have been exposed to predatory behavior. Do not allow your children to play this game. They are not playing with other children, they are hanging out on an adult game that is themed as a children's game.
Family friendly content, and absolutely no type of malware.
A wonderful private server for Disney's now defunct all-ages MMO, "ToonTown Online".
This is to use if you really liked Disney's Toontown online. The original has been closed. And It is totally great!
The website for Toontown Rewritten, an unofficial resurrection of the closed Disney MMO Toontown Online. Marked "Potentially illegal" due to the fact that Disney has not certified this use of their work, but you will not be in any legal danger for using their website or game.
Their database is compromised. The staff of TTR are a bunch of liars and shouldn't be trusted.
If you are a fan of Disney's Toontown Online, look no further. Toontown Rewritten is the closest experience that you will get with a Toontown private server. It is also the safest for children to play, you can rest assured that your kids and adults will have a great experience. Safe, fun and exciting, the team that runs TTR are future-proofing the game to ensure that Toons of the World Unite! forever :]
Toontown Rewritten is a project being worked on by the wonderful people at Toonbook to bring back Disney's now-closed MMORPG Toontown Online. This site is safe, there is no malware, there is no trackers, it's a safe site. Right now, most parts of the site are under construction, but you can check their game progress on the homepage. Overall, this site is 100% safe for work, children, home, wherever.
This is a project to follow if you liked Disneys Toontown online. Which was recently closed down. Currently there's only one about the project.
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