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I would avoid this insurance like the plague. I was involved in a non-fault accident where the person who hit me and I are both insured with Tradex. They have done everything in their power to delay payment, and bully me to accepting a below retail value offer. The accident happened in February, their initial valuation was £4k under the agreed valuation of £30k. When I raised a complaint over the valuation, they gave me an interim cheque for £26k and told me it was just an interim payment and would settle in full later. At that point they took the courtesy car back, and I received a final settlement cheque of £100. I have returned the cheque, their tactic is to make you wait and wear you down so you end up accepting a below retail value of the car. They have setup an entire department for this purpose. I've given them several examples of what the car was worth at the time of the accident and they have ignored them all stating they use Glass's guide. Glass's guide does not take into account vehicle rarity which this was. The same guide values R34 GTR's at around £20-25k when in truth you can't buy one for less than £45k. If I could rate them 0 stars I would. They will not pay out in a reasonable time frame, and if they do payout it will be well below what it costs you to replace the vehicle. I've advised several friends and traders not to use them. Please do not make the same mistake I did, it has caused me nothing but anxiety and stress.
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