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Another Stemologica scam site. Do not be fooled. Read below how they have conducted themselves online: ****BUYER BEWARE - SCAM SITE**** This company dupes you into sending for products and paying only $5.95 for the shipping. In the order process, there is nothing to indicate that you must return the product in 14 days or be charged $149.95. Two products x $149.95 = $299.90. They then try to charge a monthly fee to your credit card for subsequent shipments you did not order . I contacted VISA and they told me that this is deceptive marketing and cancelled my card (they also said it is their policy to give these companies your new credit card information, which, in this case, they will not do). They have put up links to their site on Facebook (ad no longer exists, but it had a picture of Ellen Degeneres next to it, implying that she uses the product), Google, Tumblr and even a Howard Stern fan site! This site: ***** is a complaint site for people who have had a bad experience with stemologica. this is another one: ***** This is one of their sites, blacklisted already by WOT: ***** This is one on Facebook with a link to another site on Google: ***** This one appears to discredit the product but when you connect to the site, it praises the product: ***** Another one (and there are countless others) proclaiming how great the product is. Note there is no reference to having to return the product or you will be charged an exorbitantly high cost. The ad is the same no matter which site you access: ***** This one purports to be a Dr. Oz supported site but carefully hides his face, I'm sure for legal reasons - they don't want to be charged with fraud: *****
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