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Protect spammers, bounce spam complaints - Protège les spammeurs, rejette les plaintes pour spam.
Nigerian Scam: (spam sent from ukraine From: Snr.Alfredo Carlos. <> To: undisclosed recipients Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 5:27 AM Subject: MSG (Hello) Attention: A deceased Palestine oil dealer made a fixed deposit of $11,500.000.00 in my bank branch where am a director and he died with his entire family in the Israeli/Palestinian war leaving behind no next of kin because he was also confirmed killed. If you could stand as his next of kin,email me at my personal email address below IMMEDIATELY with the following info: 1.Name in full:................................. 2.Address:...................................... 3.Nationality:.................................. 4. Age:......................................... 5. Sex.......................................... 6.Occupation:................................... 7.Marital Status:............................... 8.Mobile & House Phones......................... 9. Fax:......................................... Email me on this: ***** Sincerely yours, Snr.Alfredo Carlos.
This domain address is currently being used for the distribution of spam: From: Mr. Clark Brown ( Sent: 25 November 2012 21:38:22 FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF LONDON UK MR. CLARK BROWN (FRB) PAYMENT OFFICE 7-11 MOOR GATE,LONDON EC2R 6AQ,UNITED KINGDOM TEL: ***** FAX : ***** Attention! This is to bring to your notice that we received a payment credit instruction from the United Nations and World bank representative office in Switzerland to credit your account with your compensation funds allocated in your name to the tune of US$5 Million (Five million united states dollars) from their reserve joint accounts of World Bank/United Nations with us here. We are told that you are one of the listed citizen that fall into the victim of scam by Africans some time ago and have to accept this amount as your full compensation from the World Bank /United Nations as you have been approved to claim this if you can accept it under minding any amount you might lost with them on your efforts trying to get your inheritance fund payment yet to no avail. However, you are required to re-confirm the following details as specified below to effect the wire transfer aforementioned above to your designated account details as soon as possible: {1}. Your Full Name: {2}. Your Home Address : {3}. Your Confidential Tel, {4). Your Bank name: {5}. Your Bank Address.: {6). Your A/c Numbers.: {7}. Your Beneficiary Names: (8). Your Swift Code: {9}. Your Routing Numbers.: Please do provide the above information accurately, because this office cannot afford to be held liable for any wrong transfer of funds or liability of funds credited into a ghost account. Thanks for your co-operation while looking forward to serving you with the best of our service. Thanks as we look forward to serve you better. My Regards to your family. Mr. Clark Brown Your Account Officer Federal Reserve Bank London UK.
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