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Las cuchillas retractiles que vende esta compañía son de pésima calidad y a un costo ridículo para la poca durabilidad que posee. La compañía donde trabajo practicamente nos obliga a usar estas cuchillas y a comprarlas si se descomponen, son una basura. He comprado cuchillas a 3 dólares mucho más resistentes, ¿Las cuchillas de Uline cuestan 15 dólares o más y encima te obligan a comprar 6? Lamentable empresa. Se nota que sus productos y la obsolescencia programada van muy de la mano.
I had to create an account in order to buy an item from them, even though I had no intention of ordering from them on an ongoing basis. I'm an individual, not a company, and I let Uline know this. (Uline did actually ask whether I am a company or an individual, and whether the shipping address is residential. I indicated that my address was residential.) After receiving my order (which was as described), they sent me marketing and promotional emails, as if I were a company. There was no opt-out during the checkout process. After I realized that they were continuing to send me unwanted emails, I had to log into my account to opt out--not convenient. I resent that I was not able to simply purchase something without receiving emails that were not related to my order.
Friendly and easy to work with
Great site for any and all office supplies or promotional material
ULINE is great! We've saved thousands of dollars, getting our cartons from ULINE. They have so many locations, shipping is often very inexpensive and super-fast. They have a tremendous variety of shipping and warehouse supplies, and their customer service is top notch!
Great company - ships fast, great service, lots of selection
I have been doing business with this company for a number of years. I have visited and picked up at their Pennsylvania location. The plant and operation is spotless. Customer service is exceptional. A well run company.
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