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12:22 ***** HELLO WORLD !! WE TESTED THEYR SERVICE FOR MAKE A REVIEW IN A FAMOUS WEBSITE AND WE DISCOVERED ABOUT THIS VPN PROVIDER THE FOLLOWING THINGS: THIS VPN PROVIDER IS ALL AND A INFINITY BLA BLA AND BLA... THEY PROMISE THINGS THEY NOT HAVE FOR THEYR CUSTOMERS.. THEYR SUPPORT TAKE BIBLIC TIMES :-) THEYE PORT FOWARD OPTION IS NOT HANDLED BY USERS BUT YOU MUST ASK OR PRAY WITH A HAND CANDLE IN WAY THEY ADD MANUALLY THE OPEN PORTS YOU WILL NEED... THEYR DEDICATED IPS ARE NOT ABLE DURING THE TEST TO LOGIN IN THE VPN SERVERS AT ALL.. (both from windows featured tool or just theyr crapy vpn app) THEYR WINDOWS CLIENT APP IS JUST A SITH OF THE SHIT... POOR OF EVERYTHING A CUSTOMER REALLY NEED.. THEYR SUPPORT TICKET SYSTEM TAKE YEARS TO A SIMPLE ANSWERS... YOU NEED TO AVOID OPENVPN PROTOCOLLS USAGE WITH THIS SERVICE.. THEY OFFER ONLY : IKEv2 AND PPTP AND THE WALL TOO KNOW BOTH THESE PROTOCOLLS ARE UNSAFE... THESE 2 PROTOCOLLS WAS ALREADY BREAKED BY NSA IN LAST YEARS :-) IN SHORT THIS SERVICE IS VERY VERY POOR OF EVERYTING AND NOT KEEPED THE PRE-PAYMENT PROMISES. MONEY LOST TIME LOST WITH THEM YOU ENJOY NOTHING :-) ******************************************* FROM A AUTORYING VPN WEBSITE REVIEWS ******************************************* L2TP/IPSec L2TP only creates a connection between the user and other servers of his VPN, it doesn’t provide any encryption. Although L2TP has few convenient features, few issues prevent it from being the recommended protocol. Pros: L2TP does not offer any security hence it actually could be highly secure as it can accept a wide variety of encryption protocols making it lightweight. All modern consumer systems have L2TP and getting it running is no at all a trouble. Cons: L2TP is potentially compromised by NSA. It usually uses IPSec and NSA could probably break 66% of IPSec VPNs. L2TP is much slower as compared to other protocols as encapsulation in L2TP is done twice. L2TP cannot easily clear through firewalls but with VPNshazam configured there are ways to get through these firewalls. IPSec/IKEv2 IKEv2 is a security protocol that establishes an authenticated and encrypted VPN connection between two systems. Developed by Cisco and Microsoft it is fast and secure. Its important asset is it stability. IKEv2 uses IPSec tools to provide a wide VPN coverage. Pros: IKEv2 is the most dependable as well as stable protocol fro mobile devices. Mobile users often move from one connection to another and IKEv2 with IPSec tools ensures that VPN stays connected. It is one of the most secure VPNs with most leading algorithms for encryption. It is very efficient as it takes only a little bandwidth in its active state. Cons: IKEv2 isn’t compatible with many systems. But with VPNShazam it works on systems with proper version upgrades. Just like L2TP, IKEv2 as it uses IPSec tools is compromised by NSA as well. During leaks slides in NSA presentation showed that they might have a way to break the key exchange procedure. Although patches for these have been updated, vulnerabilities could still exist.
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