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They have way to many complaints online about them (Western Dental) and the horrible experiences I have had with them, are just ridiculous! Wow, where is a Class Action Lawyer when you need one for this terrible company?! " I have Paid IN Full the $99 for this account and for the second time this account was paid in full! There are many other Dental Companies out there that are 150% better then Western Dental, in my opinion! I would advise anyone who may be considering doing business with this company to do a Internet search engine search for Western Dental and you will see all of the complaints about them. There are numerous complains logged against Western Dental. Where is a good class action attorney when you need one?! ******** FOR ATTORNEYS, A GOOD OPPORTUNITY THAT IS KNOCKING!!!!...**********
If you do a search engine web search of Western Dental, you will find numerous complaints about this company, ranging from billing issues, to personal injury or pain suffered needlessly by patients. I personally in February 2013 paid my bill in full. Then two months later I got a rude letter from Western Dental, from their Collection Agency, claiming that I did not pay $99. They never once contacted me about this and just sent this nasty letter. Went I got the letter, I immediately called Western Dental, where I go in El Cajon, CA and asked them about the rude Collection letter that I had gotten. I also asked them how I could possibly owe them money when I paid my account in FULL back in February 2013 and had one of their employees confirm to me in person that it was "PAID IN FULL"! They told me that they did an audit of my account and found out that they forgot to charge me $99 for the dental plan my husband and I were on. I told them couldn't you do the courteous thing and contact me to let me know about this before they sent me to collections, so I could remedy the situation. They had no answer. I was very angry with them as I did not have this additional amount considered in my monthly budget, as I was told previously my account was PAID IN FULL! Then to add insult to injury, two days ago I got my credit report from TransUnion, which stated that they (Western Dental) did an credit report inquiry, which stated for "COLLECTION"! The information in my credit report was not correct as the amount was wrong and they had two account in the place where one account should have been. One of the credit report accounts for Western Dental stated, I owed $99 and the other stated I owed $90. This account had not been updated since it was put on my credit report in May 2013. The payments I made were never put on there and it showed an outstanding balance for both Western Dental Accounts! When I called Western Dental's Corporate office, the man ED Nunas was very rude and he kept interrupting me. I could not get a word in edge wise. He told me, he could not remove the inquiry which stated, "COLLECTION". He also stated, " when you apply for credit you will have to have the creditor call Western Dental, so they can explain the correction to them over the phone, as everyone else has to do" That is just crazy, they should be able to fix this inaccurate entry with TransUnion! We will no longer be using Western Dental for our dental needs, due to these and other issues! The have Ethical ISSUES!
This is a payment site for Western Dental. Not sure why it has a bad WOT score....
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