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We damaged a widow and there was a hail storm that we are gladly paying the damages on. The damage has nothing to do with the vehicle not being what was rented or losing days of vacation with maintenance issues like a dead battery, weather stripping coming off, leaking roof, no ac, non operable windows, leaking water, dead headlight, wiper blades not working, repairing cabinets that would not start shut, inaccurate bed descriptions, and the hassle of Yescapa asking for the same information over and over. I am more than happy to pay for the weather damage, hail, and the broken window but I am disappointed that we paid for a vehicle with AC and fixed beds and in good working condition but did not get that and that the reply we got was, since you picked out the camper then you are ok with it. Yescapa is not interested in maintaining relationships or customers as they have proven in this interaction along with the ones I have in email. Yescapa has horrible communication. Make sure you turn on delivery confirmation in your email. You will send the same information up to 4 times before they stop asking for it. I have rented from McRent and Yescapa now and even though the upfront cost was more at McRent, it is a real business with actual customer service and the ability to manage emails. Also, I agree with others that they have no desire to help the renters. Our camper listing had two fixed beds but only one on pickup. We also had rented with AC in drivers compartment since the trip was for the month of July in Germany but it was broken on pickup, no AC. We could not get ahold of Yescapa on rental pickup and we would have been stranded without a vehicle so we choice to take it as is but no support in getting any refund for the not receiving what we paid for. Their statement is that since we took the camper we accepted it as is, but what other option was available? If you rent from a real company, you could say this has an issue and then take a different one from the lot. In the case of Yescapa, there were no other campers nearby and it would have been last minute rental for 26 days meaning a huge price increase. Now the rental is over and the “extra” fees are adding up. In all, we missed 2 days of vacation dealing with maintenance issues, batter going dead, windows no working, cabinets that would not stay shut, water leaking from fresh tank, etc… and instead of getting money back we will be losing some of the deposit
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