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It’s the best site that gives freedom to post what you like
Malware and phishing site. I'd recommend you stay away.
Usine à spam qui fait la promotion de sites
Advertising site for local businesses offering reasonable discounts.
It is a product that has wide spread user recognition.
Again a f*cking French spammer polluter website of sh*t, apparently, a country full of corrupt, spammers, stammer theoretical laws giving rights to opt-in (because corrupt) and insecurity. Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, advertising to sell us their crap and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted! F*cking capitalism! F*ck OVH and other spamer's hosts! And address of sh*t again! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! The capitalists are real r*tten! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, this r*ttenness is very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries, including France! Thank you MyWOT for the logout of my account far too often and unable to remember my connection. I am obliged, and I'm tired, to re-login _ to my account to note spammers especially because new domains are being created almost every day!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Encore un p*tain de site Français spammeur pollueur de m*rde, apparemment un pays bourré de corrompus, spammeurs, de lois passoires donnant des droits théoriques d'opt-in (car corrompu) et d'insécurité. Apparemment c'est la fête des créations de site y compris des faux sites pour du spam, des arnaques, de la publicité pour nous vendre leur merde et polluer la planète avec des ressources électriques gaspillés! P*tain de capitalisme! P*tain d'OVH et d'autres hébergeurs de spams! Et une adresse de m*rde de plus! Un jour, le nombres de domaines internet servant à du SPAM dépassera largement le nombre de domaines internet utiles, à l'instar du nombre de SPAM reçus qui représente 90% des e-mails qui sont reçus dans le monde! Les capitalistes sont de véritables p*urris! La preuve ici: ***** /!\ UN CONSEIL TRÈS IMPORTANT /!\ : NE CLIQUEZ JAMAIS SUR N'IMPORTE QUEL LIENS DANS UN SPAM, Y COMPRIS LE LIEN DE DÉSABONNEMENT, VOUS NE FERAIS QUE CONFIRMER QUE VOTRE ADRESSE E-MAIL EST VALIDE, POUR MIEUX VOUS SPAMMER, cette p*urriture est très contagieuse avec la revente illégale des données, officieusement légale dans des pays corrompus, incluant la France! Merci MyWOT, pour la déconnexion beaucoup trop fréquente de mon compte et l'impossibilité de mémoriser ma connexion. Je suis obligé, et j'en ai marre, de me reconnecter pour noter des spammeurs notamment, car de nouvelles domaines se créent quasiment tout les jours!!!!!!
Spammeur-pollueur sur adresse personnelle et non opt-in, récupérée on ne sait où ni comment, mais certainement pas en nous demandant notre avis... Rappelons que le spam auprès d'adresses de particuliers est illégal en France.
It's a malware Blocked by Avast : *****
mileageplus link to shopping for mileage credit
This site is used by IncrediMail (even paid pro versions) through the company Commission Junction. "Commission Junction is the leading global affiliate marketing network, specializing in pay-for-performance programs that drive results for businesses around the world. The CJ Network helps to reach and connect with millions of online consumers every day by facilitating productive partnerships between advertisers and publishers. Drive more sales and expand your reach - experience the Network Effect with Commission Junction."
Rewards programs scam, don't enter any personal information. More info here: *****
SCAM: Gift Programs: promotions | offers | surveys | rewards | coupons Either promotes, displays, offers, tracks enter no information, attempt no transaction transactions of personally identifiable information is NOT secure Your PII is transferred to several other sites expect spam: email / telemarketing / snail mail re: ***** DNS: DNS:
WARNING: Beware of fake gift programs, promotions, surveys, rewards, coupon or other offers which appear to be to good to be true. As a general rule, sites which offer something seemingly substantial in return for very little, should always be approached with a great deal of skepticism. Stay away from sites such as this to avoid being victimized. See here: *****
Engaged in phishing. Mass rating tool used. Please visit this topic for details. ***** Website includes one or more of the following: Adult content Phishing or other scams Annoying ads or popups Browser exploit Be aware some of the sites that have been rated do yet contain sexually-explicit material, popups, exploits and other such scams.
Mass rating tool used. Please visit this topic for details. ***** Website includes one or more of the following: Adult content Phishing or other scams Annoying ads or popups Browser exploit
1 is listed in OpenDNS's Block Tool *****
This is a just a Commission Junction go around, if malware comes from it, it's because the website you originally were at was a spammy one. Is used on a lot of legitimate sites however.
This site is used by online retailers to generate affiliate marketing links. The links add the affiliate marketers cookie, so they are credited with a sale if you buy something and redirect to the appropriate site. I have not run into any malware or spyware related to this domain. It is used by commission junction marketing program which handles 100's of brands affiliate marketing efforts.
The domain, registered through MARKMONITOR INC. is listed on at least two SPAM blacklists as of today. This does not necessarily indicate that they are guilty of sending SPAM, merely that the server that their IP address is associated to was confirmed by at least 2 sources to be a gateway for SPAM. This leads us to recommend caution on this server as it is possible that if it is compromised for SPAM, other data could be compromised.
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