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★ 3.1
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This site is a part of the American Family Association (AFA) is a Christian fundamentalist 501(c)(3) organization based in the United States. This organization is notorious for being "a Christian organization promoting the biblical ethic of decency in American society with primary emphasis on television and other media," which also means the eventual curtailment of First Amendment rights, especially in the name of promoting their morality and worldview. These sort of people erode the seperation between church and state.
The connection is not suspicious...WOT in this case is lying. The content is good and is against the lies of the main stream media, maybe that's why WOT reported it as suspicious. Excellent website everyone in the universe should trust the connection and content.
We no longer listen often but occasionally do tune in to hear a specific topic or speaker. The site seems clean so i don't know why WOT gave me a red circle in the search results.
Positive healthy site that reports from a Christian perspective. Several Christian ministries broadcast on this station. Talk radio & Christian music...
This is a Christian site, totally safe and totally suitable for children. Don't drink the PC kool-aid.
This network has a music station or a talk station. The music station has great Christian music. The talk station is commentary based on a Christian focus. It is not a hate site..unless a person considers anyone who disagrees with them "hate."
very good site. I trust extremely, A variety of things. Some preaching ,Some news and politics with a christian point of view. They speak the truth. Faith Family and Freedom.
Great site full of practical insight and information for anyone.
Not a hate group. An organization with strong religious beliefs, they preach NO hate at all. Look up and study any religion. Every religion that's been around for a while has moral guidelines they follow. Their views might oppose yours but I promise no hate is involved. Not a bit.
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