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one of THE best websites to actually get free games, *****
This website is not safe I downloaded 3 games from AGFY (Age of Mythology, Northgard and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare) inside Free Download Manager. My Windows Defender picked up a file inside of the Call of Duty 4 files called 'HackTool:Win32/Keygen'. I did some research and there's two stories to this HackTool. All the Pirate forums on Reddit say that it is a normal thing to be downloaded when pirating, but everywhere else it claims the tool itself is not harmful. "Hacktool:Win32/Keygen is often delivered together with malware. Therefore, users who have installed Hacktool:Win32/Keygen (or it has infiltrated without their consent) are very likely to have infected computers". I immediately removed it. So I thought "Well shit. I knew free $90 games were too good to be true." So I downloaded Malwarebytes with the free 30 day premium trial to try and pick up anything since Windows Defender isn't a reliable malware finder. Malwarebytes didn't pick up anything. But my gut was telling me after playing around on this website that that has to be wrong. So I went and downloaded both HitmanPro & Bitdefender and used their free 30 day trials. The Malwarebytes Extension it adds on Google Chrome warns of Trojan activity on the AGFY website and blocks access to it. I then took the time to scan my PC in case the threat was still lurking. I initiated a HitmanPro scan. HitmanPro detected 2 trojans and 2 suspicious files inside Age of Mythology and Northgard and rendered Free Download Manager as 'Suspicious'. (The two trojans coming from Age of Mythology and the two suspicious coming from Northgard) I then went another step and ran a Bitdefender scan just in case it picked up anything further but it did not detect anything. So please think twice before downloading anything off of this website. I will definitely be sticking to buying my games from now on lmfao
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