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Basé sur 13 avis

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Something is fishy here, but I can't put my finger on it. Why go to the trouble of advertising everything that is on eventbrite with apparently zero advertising, so without apparent monetization? They want you to log in with facebook or Google credentials to see the "leads" they send you mails about via the e-mail address they have found in the listing. Is it those credentials they are after? Suspicious.
We have been using this website since long. It has been clean. They aggregate only "public" events from facebook and that is ethical. We have been posting our events, we never faced any issue nor people who bought tickets of our events. I would recommend WOT to re-examine old reviews.
Its a great website to know events happening around me.
Great site to find stuff to do.
why is this site and the app rated so low :geg nothing wrong with it
I've seen multiple event pages where nudity and exposed skin has been present. The events are seemingly stolen from facebooks event listings from users and pages. I noticed certain javascripts that are likely to attempt to utilize various browser exploits.
I think that it would behove WOT to re=examine this site please. I haven't had any issues and the site does get out valuable information to many that otherwise wouldn't ever see it. My event is of great benefit to those suffering from Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and autoimmune illnesses/diseases. If you prove them to be bad still then yes I would like to have specific information on the site please and why. I do want to protect myself but haven't seen anything yet that has caused concern. When I signed up with the site initially I did not see the yellow circle. After posting is when it showed up. Thank you.
This page advertises events around the world this page has my Community event I'm holding on it. it's a safe site for everyone! Exsample my events link below http://allevents.in/coffs%20harbour/leukemia-foundation%E2%80%99s-world%E2%80%99s-greatest-shave-woolgoolga/1524618534471572
compromised .php script redirecting to pharma sites. DM the GURBL when remediated for re-rating.
Displays events based on your location, and quite useful.
There is nothing wrong with this site, I dont understand. It is an events page. Its really handy.
Informs about events in Stockholm. no idea why it got such a bad reputation.
I've been here several times and I have not had any problems!
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