Le site autoinsurance.com est-il sûr ?

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★ 1.7
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 7 avis

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Owned by MG LLC / Tranzact, same physical address as Tranzact / ***** and registrant owner is tranzact: https://who.godaddy.com/whoisstd.aspx?domain=autoinsurance.com / ***** (Registrant owner Tranzact, United States and physical address of Tranzact / tranzact.net) ***** (MG LLC is doing business as Tranzact, first sentence) ***** Telemarketing: ***** (Provide an email address/phone number, it will be used for "Telemarketing"). Email routing: Routes emails through ***** (from tzinsurancemail.com) ***** (the unsatisfactory reputation of *****, lyris.com) ***** (the network for lyris.net, which routes emails for autoinsurance.com, is run by uptilt.com) Email routing by obscurity: If MG LLC / ***** wants an excellent rating from me, state that lyris.net will be used to reroute their messages and will contain Lyris-owned unsubscribe domain names in the message. ***** (autoinsurance.com / TZ Insurance Solutions LLC bbb listing) ***** AND The parent company is majority-owned by White Mountain / ***** ***** (the good reputation of White Mountain, majority owner of the parent company of autoinsurance.com) ***** (majority owner of the parent company of autoInsurance.com)
Unacceptable privacy practices. (specifically the clauses relating to telemarketing, and email marketing)
Be aware of use. Belongs to scamming network. reference: ***** " UPDATE: My rating will remain due to the fact that I am still getting spam emails, you are trying to comment as if you were not the owner...there is a place for owners, and whois data is hidden. You will remain on the spam list for the time being. Nothing about this website besides the cosmetics seem to be updated.
Réponse de autoinsurance.comil y a 10 ans
This message is in regards to AutoInsurance.com. You originally gave us a negative review because we were associated with P Gordon. He is no longer associated with the site, and we have just relaunched and would love for you to re-evaluate the site. Here's our scorecard: https://www.mywot.com/scorecard/autoinsurance.com And here's our request for review: https://www.mywot.com/forum/47070-autoinsurance-com Thanks
***** is a unique product that lets users in certain states get real auto insurance quotes from multiple national insurance companies like Progressive and Esurance. These are real quotes — not estimates. And once you get your quote, you can buy your policy directly through AutoInsurance.com. The site does not sell your information like other lead generation sites. It's trustworthy and offers a valuable product. Before 2012, this site was under different ownership and was a typical lead generation site. However, it is under new ownership and now offers a uniquely valuable product. Finally, there is NOTHING on this site that is unsuitable for children. There is no reason for the site to be ranked "very poor" for children.
Beware: Sites belonging to P Gordon, well known spammer / scammer and blacklisted!
Be aware of use. Belongs to scamming network. reference: *****
Sites are owned by a well known spammer, P.Gordon who is now spamming the Community Requests for sites that are already poorly rated. Also banned from Site Advisor for the same spamming with thousands of domains
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