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spamming spammers hitting spamtraps Passive DNS for Records found: 15313
One of thousands of domains hosted on a server associated with pharma, enlargement, and replica scams. The domains generally don't last long before being shut down. Kiss your money goodbye.
Spam / Phishing / Scam! See: ***** Der Handel mit gefälschter Markenware ist illegal!
Engaged in phishing. It is also known as a "Super Replicas". Source: ***** See also: ***** SpamTrackers' Article about "Super Replicas".
This domain has been listed in Joewein's Spam Domain blacklist. Refer: *****
bagbog.ru appears in Joe Wein Blacklist *****
Постоянная рассылка email спама! / Regular email spam sending! Покупая у подобных "контор" товары и услуги, вы оправдаете их грязные методы. И, как результат, - завтра получите еще больше спама. / Buying from these "firms" products and services, you will justify their dirty methods. And as a result - tomorrow will get even more spam.
As per today bagbog.ru is detected as a spam sending domain or is misused as a spam server. Possibly dangerous to visit as the server/site could also be infected with malicious content or viruses.
WARNING THIS IS A BRAND-NAME ABUSE, FAKE WATCHES SCAM SITE: This scam is one of the oldest on the Internet and has a long history. This scam site is operated by criminals. Why would anyone trust them with their credit card details? Their sole purpose is to rob you of your financial identity. Do not become their next victim. Learn More about this type of fraud: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Keep your identity and credit card out of the hands of Russian thugs You can check out the criminal evidence about bagbog.ru at ***** You will find similar sites in spam-trap reports on the Internet, such as .. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** You can complain about the illegal Name Servers used and the registrar responsible - bagbog.ru registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN ns1.dnssea.ru. ns2.dnssea.ru. ns1.netsea.ru. ns2.netsea.ru. Crime sponsor = registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN Complain with the free template generator at ***** adding a link to this page under evidence. Dirty IP addresses used for name servers and contact for the owner responsible: ns1.dnssea.ru. ***** | CN | CNCGROUP-SH China Unicom Shanghai network - complain ***** ***** ns1.netsea.ru. ***** | CN | CNCGROUP-SH China Unicom Shanghai network - (see above) ns2.dnssea.ru. ***** | CN | CHINA169-BACKBONE CNCGROUP China169 Backbone - complain ***** ***** ns2.netsea.ru. ***** | CN | CHINA169-BACKBONE CNCGROUP China169 Backbone - (see above) Email a blackhole request for these illegal IP addresses with a link here for evidence
Identity theft / credit card abuse SCAM watch replicas enter no information, attempt no transaction re: ***** re: ***** see also: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/bagbog.ru.html
Forum/email spammers
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