Le site careerbuilder.com est-il sûr ?

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★ 4.4
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 60 avis

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Not sure why all the negative reviews, I have used it and love it.
Spam job offers out the wazoo when I used them years ago. More recently, they bought my new email address from an anonymous third party, then spammed me.
Hm don't know what to say.. all the people before me wrote the things I think so to. I agree with everybody
I have used this site twice over the years. Both times, the only communications I received from potential "employers" were life insurance agencies trying to get me to sell policies for straight commission. I received several of these and they were VERY persistent, ignoring all pleas to STOP spamming me via e-mail and phone, until i got extremely rude and unleashed a barrage of profanity (after the third phone call, typically). This would end communication from one company, but another would start a few days later. My conclusion is that the only real service they provide is cold leads to insurance companies looking for free sales help. Deleting your account appears to be nearly impossible.
It's difficult to choose just one category from the drop-down menu: spam, annoying ads or pop-ups (I am grateful for FF AdBan, &c), bad customer experience, phishing or other scams, malicious content & viruses (from all the spam), and browser exploit ALL apply, so it is best summed-up as "ethical issues" when forced to choose just one category from the drop-down. I am confused as to how Career Builder can have an "Excellent" rating here after more than 80% of the ratings from reviewers are poor.
I heard CareerBuilder is a great company, but all I get from them is spam for fake jobs and I don't even have an account.
Many "jobs" are covers for schools to improve your odds of employment
You can find jobs on this site.
It would be nice if Career Builder would prevent spam artists from getting e-mail addresses and would actually confirm the jobs posted existed
Scam to sign up for online school is it's only purpose
phony employers contacted me several times
Always helped me in my serches
site sells your email information to any of it's affiliates. These include adult sites as well as site that use adware, spyware and viruses to collect personal information.
20 beacon trackers and way too much malware. *****
allows almost any "employer"
There are a huge number of fake "jobs" on this site. The owner of the site seems quite tolerant of miscatgorized and overposting of these fake jobs.
Someone should really pull down the rating of this website. Avoid entering your email address and use caution.
Not only is this site loaded with spam, but they continue to let scam artists post their ads on the site. This is also goes without saying they want to charge you money to get your resume to be perfected. Don't trust these people it is not worth it.
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