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Criminals will use careerbuilder.com to send you "too good to be true" job offers that involve money laundering. NOBODY is going to pay you to work at home so you can make $2,400-$5,000 a month or $400-$600 a week!
4 web bugs (Invisible Tracking Cookie) ***** Web bug link to wikipedia”
Junk job offers from insurance companies flow to the inbox, even for those not interested in insurance.
Many of the jobs listed end up being scams of some sort or another. Not all are bad, but definitely exercise caution before responding to any of the postings here!
unsubscribe does not work. Many spam messages from careerbuilder and its marketing partners and no way to shut them off.
~**~Phishing and scam. They ask you to resubmit all files and add an additional 3 references that cannot be processed without their e-mail addresses. Possibly to sell off their emails!!
a lot of ads...
Had no issues with it. Never received any spam, junk emails, or pop-ups; and I check this site often.
Sends spam. Their e-mails do not provide any possibility to remove your address.
IT is a good site to look for jobs, but beware as it is also full of unscrupulous and deceptive individuals who post scams as jobs. Publishing your information on the site helps employers find you, but it also helps con artists find you as well. I know that they rely on advertising to keep the service free, but the university of phoenix popups are an overkill!
Only job is the one bein' worked on YOU! Spam, phishing, & exploiting your privacy is a sure thing when you sign onto careerbuilder.com.
I had some initial spamming issue, but was able to finally opt out. The ads are an annoyance if you aren't careful. I must also add that the job search and recommendations are the weakest of any job site I have used.
Careerbuilder's effort to keep the board safe from scams is unsatisfactory.
Careerbuilder is a spammer and also has a low accredidation rating by the Better Business Bureau, check it out on the BBB report page - *****
I have never had any problem with this site selling my info and never had any spyware loaded from this site. I find CareerBuilder very good and extremely useful. D. Curlee
they try to get you to sign up for extra services which I can deal with, but now I get Spam from them for these services. DO NOT SHOW ANY INTEREST IN THEIR EXTRA SERVICES.
Ads appear on the bottom of almost every page. Spams by default.
Third party spammer that does not use double opt in permissions. Domain listed on several blacklists, including Spacequad AntiSpam Services. *****
Users need to be aware of the ads b/c the site automatically fills out the forms for you. Other than that the site is so-so.
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