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Coolmath Games. Despite the name, it contains games of many kinds. The games here can be considered fun, but it doesn't contain much "math". Often played at schools, due to its name tricking schools into thinking it has a high education value, when most games are just normal games, like Yacht (Yahtzee), Hangman, and Snake. I'm not complaining, though.
Great and fun! Perfect for kids, BUT why do dey call it cool MATH games?????
Great games for children.
a wonderful nostalgic website that i have so many memories of, thought the name is slightly misleading
DO NOT LET STUDENTS USE THIS WEBSITE! Coolmath is an old website filled with malware and spyware. -Google Proceed with care, the site coolmathgames is suspicious. -Gardio
All of those people that are calling typo squatters are liars. ***** is the actual typo squatter and filled with viruses. Good try bots. If you aren’t and had your account hacked, sorry.
It steals people's games, endorses gambling in some respects, and then labels them as their own. No credits are given and it throws a truckload of ads at your face and screams at you if you have a blocker on. Sure, good for games at school. But it doesn't deserve any of the publicity it receives. Aside from this it is a huge privacy risk with all the cookies it throws at you. If you are looking for a more legit game site, use kongregate or something. But not this.
Great for in class gaming. good time taker.
good for online gaming
this is a good website for games online.
Safe. Games may not work sometimes. By the way, ***** redirects you to coolmathgames.com. Bye.
A decent site. Never had any problems with it. However, I am not sure if it is the same site as cool-mathgames.com. They are very similar, but I can't swear that they are the same site. However, I would approach this site with caution, as I believe that my sister may have gotten a virus from this site. Also, some of the games an this site don't work.
Very fun site! A lot of schools get to play on it I believe. Except mine.. for some reason.
Child Friendly! Even Schools let people play it.
great website fun for hours
very cool caught my son playing this game so i beat him (in chess) and hugged his wife (for giving me many presents during the holiday)
Decent site, however it does have flash games on it still which are no longer supported.
It is a great website for online games. You can play games from Chess to Tail of the Dragon
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